University of Cambridge > > CCI Conservation Seminar Series 2024/2025 > CCI Conservation Seminar - Integrating deep history into conservation efforts on the African continent: opportunities, challenges and applications

CCI Conservation Seminar - Integrating deep history into conservation efforts on the African continent: opportunities, challenges and applications

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Diane Lister.

This paper will outline the rationale for including perspectives based on knowledge of the deep histories of human-environment entanglements on the African continent in approaches to wildlife conservation, illustrating the argument with reference to different case studies. A key argument will be on the need to abandon older binaries that make a sharp distinction between “natural” and “cultural” landscapes and many of the incumbent management approaches that this binary has enabled. While this is not arguing for the wholescale abolition of protected areas, a case will be made for better recognition of the complex interplay and deep histories of the historical ecology of African landscapes, and how these have contributed to the current distribution and composition of biodiversity. Case studies from across the African continent pertinent to elephant conservation, marine ecosystems and African savannas that draw on archaeological and historical insights, alongside indigenous ontologies, will be presented.

This talk is part of the CCI Conservation Seminar Series 2024/2025 series.

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