University of Cambridge > > Quantum Computing for Quantum Chemistry > Quantum computing simulation of a mixed spin-boson Hamiltonian and its performance for a cavity quantum electrodynamics problem

Quantum computing simulation of a mixed spin-boson Hamiltonian and its performance for a cavity quantum electrodynamics problem

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lila Cadi Tazi.

We aim to explore the potential of quantum computers for solving real-world quantum problems. In particular, we are interested in examining the multi-photon effects of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). Here, we present a method to simulate a phase transition in coupled cavities allowing photon hopping. We map spin and boson excitations to different parts of the qubit register and introduce a boson-to-qubit mapping that simplifies multiphoton-multiatom studies, employing the inverse Holstein-Primakoff transformation. The time evolution is studied using first-order Trotterization. We replicate classical simulation results of the phase transition with a noiseless six-qubit simulation.

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This talk is part of the Quantum Computing for Quantum Chemistry series.

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