University of Cambridge > > aw534's list > "Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition"

"Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition"

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Exploring the chemistry that underpins diamond growth by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition

“Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition” Diamond is a remarkable material, with many exceptional properties. The presentation will aim to provide:

1. An overview of diamond growth by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) methods, and of some of the properties and applications of the resulting material.

2. A more detailed survey of aspects of the gas phase chemistry that underpins diamond growth, derived from careful experimental (laser and optical spectroscopy) measurements of species number densities as a function of process conditions, together with companion modelling of the gas phase plasma chemistry (with colleagues at Moscow State University).

3. Insights into mechanisms of CVD diamond growth, based on the results of modelling (QM/MM) studies of the gas-surface chemistry.

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