University of Cambridge > > Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown) > Nick Shackleton and the Big White Box in the Car Park

Nick Shackleton and the Big White Box in the Car Park

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Oscar Branson.

The Iberian margin is a well-known source of rapidly accumulating sediment that preserve a high-fidelity record of millennial climate variability (MCV). Using piston cores from the region, Nick Shackleton demonstrated that surface and deep-water climate signals can be correlated precisely to the polar ice cores in both hemispheres and with European terrestrial sequences. The continuity, high sedimentation rates, and fidelity of the climate signals recorded in Iberian margin sediments make this region a prime target for ocean drilling. The purpose of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 397 was to extend these remarkable paleoclimate records beyond the range of existing piston and IODP cores, currently limited to last 1.5 million years. Between 11 October and 11 December 2022, we recovered a total of 6176.7 m of core at four sites (U1586, U1587 , U1385 and U1588 ) using the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution. Preliminary results of X-ray fluorescence scanning of cores from IODP Site U1385 —stored in the car park shipping container—demonstrate the great potential of Iberian margin sediments for providing benchmark paleoclimate records of MCV for the entire Pliocene and Quaternary.

This talk is part of the Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown) series.

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