University of Cambridge > > wsar2's list > CUES: Infusion and Microsoft: "LUNCH-AND-TOUCH"!

CUES: Infusion and Microsoft: "LUNCH-AND-TOUCH"!

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Warren Rieutort-Louis.

Cambridge University Engineering Society and Infusion present “An Introduction to Multi-Touch Technology and Microsoft Surface”.

This event will provide an introduction to multi-touch technology and a chance to use a Microsoft Surface. Infusion developers will be on hand to demonstrate how Surface works and the programming we use to build Surface demos.

Join the Infusion team for some learning, FREE PIZZA , and of course, lots of touching!

Lots of prizes (e.g. Xbox games) will be handed out in a free PRIZE DRAW which will be held at the end of the presentation, thanks to the generous contributions of Microsoft UK!

This talk is part of the wsar2's list series.

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