University of Cambridge > > Wolfson College Green Society > Community Scale Engagement: Collective Action on Carbon

Community Scale Engagement: Collective Action on Carbon

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  • UserProfessor Douglas Crawford-Brown (Professor Emeritus at the University of Cambridge and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Director of Cambridge Science and Policy Consulting; Director of the Community Carbon Reduction Project)
  • ClockThursday 11 March 2021, 18:00-19:00
  • HouseWolfson College Zoom webinar.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Julian Siebert.

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The collective action problem is any instance where a problem (such as reducing carbon emissions in Cambridge) requires the actions of many individuals, but where there are disincentives for any one individual to take the necessary actions in pursuit of a common community goal. The most well known example is the Tragedy of the Commons. The example we will examine today is reducing carbon emissions from energy use in the 65,000+ buildings of Cambridge. To reach this goal, we (meaning about 100 organisations in Cambridge) began the Cambridge Retrofit programme in 2013. It brought together nine categories of ‘actors’ in the community to coordinate their aims and resources and actions so the carbon footprint of the city would be significantly reduced in support of the UK and global climate policy goals. In this talk we will look at how Cambridge Retrofit was organised and consider strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, of the programme when confronting the collective action problem.

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This talk is part of the Wolfson College Green Society series.

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