University of Cambridge > > Exoplanet Seminars > Direct Imaging and Characterisation
 of Exoplanets with VLT/SPHERE
: Past, Present and Future

Direct Imaging and Characterisation
 of Exoplanets with VLT/SPHERE
: Past, Present and Future

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Annelies Mortier.

SPHERE is the new generation exoplanet imager installed at the Very Large Telescope. Since 2015, we have been conducting the large-scale SHINE survey to look for giant exoplanets around a sample of ~500 young, nearby stars (younger than 300 Myr, below 150 pc). The main goal of SHINE is to constrain for the first time the population of giant exoplanets in the 5-100 AU range, where previous direct imaging surveys and other detection methods are not sensitive. After introducing the astrophysical context and the challenges of direct imaging, I will present the first statistical contraints on the demography of substellar companions drawn from a subsample of 150 stars of the SHINE survey. These early results confirm the trend already identified that massive companions are more frequent around early type stars, but for the first time we also identify a possible change in the formation mechanism between companions around AF stars from companions around FGKM stars. Then, I will introduce the HiRISE project for the VLT , where we propose to implement a coupling between SPHERE and the high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES +, which will hopefully enable the direct characterisation of known companions, from SHINE or other, at very high spectral resolution.

This talk is part of the Exoplanet Seminars series.

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