University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Quantum turbulence -from superfluid helium to atomic Bose-Einstein condensates-

Quantum turbulence -from superfluid helium to atomic Bose-Einstein condensates-

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Quantum turbulence (QT) was discovered in superfluid in the 1950s, and the research has tended toward a new direction since the mid 90s. The similarities and differences between quantum and classical turbulence have become an important area of research in low temperature physics. QT is comprised of quantized vortices that are definite topological defects, being expected to yield a model of turbulence that is much simpler than the classical model. The general introduction of the issue is followed by a description of the dynamics of quantized vortices. After reviewing the modern research trends on QT, we focus on the energy spectrum of QT at very low temperatures. The numerical simulation of QT by the Gross-Pitaevskii model shows that energy is transferred through the Richardson cascade of quantized vortices and the spectrum obeys the Kolmogorov law. Then we discuss QT in trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Under the combined rotations around two axes, a BEC cloud develops to a turbulent state and the energy spectrum obeys the Kolmogorov law. Ref. M. Tsubota, cond-mat/ 08062737

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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