University of Cambridge > > Graphene CDT Advanced Technology Lectures > Graphene At The Edge Of Perfection

Graphene At The Edge Of Perfection

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Anna Ott.

Defects and disorder of graphene edges has held back development of graphene nanoelectronics for more than a decade. While lithographic patterning of graphene on the scale of 10 nm has been demonstrated both with top-down (electron-beam lithography) and bottom-up methods (i.e. block copolymer lithography), high-mobility waveguiding and bandstructure engineering has not. I will show some examples of how graphene edge disorder can be tamed, allowing new transport behaviors to be observed, including suppression of the quantum Hall effect in pristine nano-constrictions1, bandgap engineering of Dirac and cloned Dirac cones in ultradense antidot lattices etched through encapsulated graphene2 and ferroelectric switching of polar molecules at the edge of graphene3. I will also touch upon crystallographic etching as a tool for shaping graphene on the nanoscale4.

[1] J. Caridad et al Nature Comm. 9, 659 (2018) [2] B. S. Jessen, et al. Nature Nanotech. (2019) [3] J. Caridad et al, Nano Lett. 18, 4675 (2018). [4] J.D. Thomsen et al. ACS Nano (2009)

This talk is part of the Graphene CDT Advanced Technology Lectures series.

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