University of Cambridge > > CUSynBioSoc >  Time-Lapse Phenotyping in Complex Growth-conditions

Time-Lapse Phenotyping in Complex Growth-conditions

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Camillo Moschner.

The SynBioSoc is very pleased to announce our guest speaker for lent term, Dr. Somenath Bakshi.

Dr. Bakshi is the new synthetic biology lecturer in the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. He received his PhD in molecular biophysics from the University of Wisconsin and has recently finished his post-doc in the Paulsson lab at Harvard Medical school.

In this talk, Dr. Bakshi will talk about using novel microfluidic devices for high-throughput timelapse imaging of single microbes and entire bacterial systems in complex growth-conditions and their application.

The lecture is free for everyone.

This talk is part of the CUSynBioSoc series.

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