Latin America : Crisis and Conflict
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Chandra Morrison, Dr. Page, Dr. Magalhães (Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge)
Tuesday 20 May 2008, 13:30-15:30
CRASSH Seminar Room, 17 Mill Lane.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dacia Viejo Rose.
- Marta de Magalhães
“Mundane Marginality: Some Thoughts on Violence in Contemporary Brazil”
- Joanna Page
“Celluloid Crimes in Post-Crisis Argentina: A Reading of Bielinsky’s ‘Nine Queens’ and ‘The Aura’ “
- Chandra Morrison
“Marking Impunity: Escrache, Interventionist Art, and the Remapping of Buenos Aires”
This talk is part of the Cambridge Post-Conflict and Post-Crisis Group series.
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