University of Cambridge > > Alfaisal University Engineering Seminars > Law of Evolutionary Enerxaction & Evolutionary Energy Dynamics

Law of Evolutionary Enerxaction & Evolutionary Energy Dynamics

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Peter Robinson.

This presentation will cover the essential concepts and procedures of the LEE and EED . As warranted, the physically-based reality of evolutionary/evolutional concepts and procedures will be briefly contrasted with the mathematically-based virtuality of variational concepts of classical mechanics. A simple and a complex application of the LEE and EED will be given. The simple application is the closed-form solution of the free-fall problem. The complex example is an application for the numerical solution of an aero-thermo-servo-electro-elastic system described completely algebraically and illustrated for studying the feasibility of structural skin temperature control of a panel in Mach 10 hypersonic flight by using optimal distributed-control-actuation whereby the structural temperature and the structural deformation are controlled simultaneously by using only temperature feedback optimal control laws via elasto-thermo-electric actuation. The presentation will conclude with the current and future realm of the LEE and the EED .

This talk is part of the Alfaisal University Engineering Seminars series.

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