University of Cambridge > > Millennium Mathematics Project > Convincing Yourself, Convincing Others

Convincing Yourself, Convincing Others

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Do you enjoy thought-provoking questions? Can you prove to others that your arguments are logical? Come and join us to work on mathematical problems that will challenge you to notice patterns, develop convincing arguments and refine your powers of persuasion.

This talk will have two sessions – 11:00-12:00 or 14:00-15:00

About the speaker: Charlie has taught mathematics in local comprehensive schools and now works at the University of Cambridge. Originally part of the Faculty of Education and now a member of the Millennium Mathematics Project, Charlie contributes to the NRICH website and works in schools with students and teachers. His recent efforts have focussed on problem solving and on creating opportunities for learning mathematics through exploration and discussion.

Audience: ages 9-11, Key Stage 2

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. For tickets please e-mail Heather Benucci at or call 01223 766839; include your name, the title and date of the lecture, the number of tickets requested and a postal address in your message.

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This talk is part of the Millennium Mathematics Project series.

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