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Clark Lectures - Anne Carson: The Chair (And A Dance)

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Monday 12 March: Stillness, Tuesday 13 March: Corners, Thursday 15 March: The Chair (And A Dance)

Anne Carson is a poet, essayist, professor of Classics, and translator.

The Clark Lectures take place annually and are on ‘some aspect or period of English Literature’ and begun under the auspices of Trinity in the last century and resumed in 1922 with lectures from Walter de la Mare. He has been followed by other creative writers such as Eliot, Forster and Stoppard, as well as critics of a more academic caste, such as Leavis, Empson and I A Richards. For the purposes of these lectures we now interpret ‘English Literature’ broadly to include consideration of literary texts, topics, and practices in other languages. Recent lecturers have included Barbara Everest, Tony Morrison, Christopher Ricks, Bernard Williams, V A Kolve, Alison Lurie, Stephen Orgell, Donald McKenzie, Carlo Ginzburg, Helen Vendler, Peter Brown, Rowan Williams, Seamus Heaney, Elaine Scarry, and Frank Kermode,

This talk is part of the Trinity College series.

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