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MSt in Sustainability Leadership

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This list contains talks that may be of interest to students on University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership’s MSt in Sustainability Leadership.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Dr Theo Hacking; Fergus Kirkpatrick; ljd25; Alex Brunner ; Ellen Mumford. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

26 upcoming talks and 6287 talks in the archive: show first 500.

Darwin College Lecture Series

Decoding our Humanity

UserProfessor Shannon Vallor, University of Edinburgh.

HouseLady Mitchell Hall, Sidgwick Avenue.

ClockFriday 14 March 2025, 17:30-18:30

Centre for Atmospheric Science seminars, Chemistry Dept.

Could stratospheric aerosol injection produce meaningful global cooling without novel aircraft?

Teams link:

User Alistair Duffey PhD Student at University College London, Earth Sciences.

HouseChemistry Dept, Unilever Lecture Theatre and Zoom.

ClockTuesday 18 March 2025, 11:00-12:00

Sainsbury Laboratory Seminars

Cell edges: from polarity to growth control

Please contact the events team at for the online Zoom link.

UserDr Charlotte Kirchhelle - ENS de Lyon.

HouseAuditorium of Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University - 47 Bateman Street and Online (Zoom meeting). Contact for meeting joining details. .

ClockWednesday 19 March 2025, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Natural History Society

Natural Materials for Musical Instruments

Please note the start time, being after the AGM, is approximate.

UserJim Woodhouse, CNHS President; Emeritus Professor of Structural Dynamics.

HouseMain Seminar Room (First Floor) David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ.

ClockThursday 20 March 2025, 18:45-20:00

British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series

Title to be confirmed

UserGian Giacomo Navarra, Princeton University.

HouseBAS Seminar Room 330b.

ClockWednesday 26 March 2025, 15:30-16:30

British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series

Title to be confirmed

UserBishakh Gayen, University of Melbourne.

HouseBAS Seminar Room 1.

ClockFriday 04 April 2025, 13:00-14:00

British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series

Title to be confirmed

UserClaire Parrott, University of British Columbia.

HouseBAS Seminar Room 2.

ClockWednesday 09 April 2025, 15:00-16:00

British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series

Title to be confirmed

UserYingpu Xiahou, University of Auckland.

HouseBAS Seminar Room 330b.

ClockWednesday 23 April 2025, 14:00-15:00

Mordell Lectures

Title to be confirmed

UserTim Austin (Warwick).

HouseMR2, CMS.

ClockThursday 01 May 2025, 16:00-17:00

British Antarctic Survey - Polar Oceans seminar series

Title to be confirmed

UserElisavet Baltas, University of Cambridge.

HouseBAS Seminar Room 330b.

ClockWednesday 21 May 2025, 14:30-15:30

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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