University of Cambridge > > Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave.

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0 upcoming talks and 201 talks in the archive.

Graphene CDT Advanced Technology Lectures

Dressing Molecules And Materials With The Vacuum Field

UserProf. Thomas W. Ebbesen, (ISIS, University of Strasbourg, France) .

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 18 January 2013, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Piezoelectric Polymer Nanowires For Energy Harvesting Applications

UserDr Sohini Kar-Narayan (Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 14 December 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Integrated Quantum Photonics

UserProf. Jeremy O'Brien (University of Bristol, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 02 November 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Dynamics In Ultrafast Fiber Lasers

UserProf. Xueming Liu (Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, China).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 27 July 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Impurities In Nanodiamonds

UserDr Andrey A. Shiryaev (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Science).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 20 July 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene/BN Heterostructures

UserDr Roman Gorbachev (University of Manchester, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 13 July 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Mechanics Of Nanocomposites

UserProf Nicola Pugno (Politecnico di Torino, Italy).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 01 June 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Spin-Polarised Supercurrents

UserDr Jason Robinson (Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 25 May 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Low Symmetry Colloidal Engineering Across Length Scales

UserDr Stoyan Smoukov (Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 04 May 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Tailoring Physical Properties of Functional Materials by Bottom-Up Nanofabrication

UserDr Massimiliano Cavallini (Institute for Nanostructured Materials, CNR, Bologna, Italy).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 30 March 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Spin Transport And Detection On Topological Insulators

UserProf. Hsiung Chou (National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 10 February 2012, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene Devices: Technology and Applications

UserProf. Max Lemme (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 18 November 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene-Based Quantum Hall Effect Devices

UserDr Stefano Borini (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 07 October 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Optics In Flatland

UserDr Alexander Grigorienko (University of Manchester, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 08 July 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Controlled Synthesis Of Graphene For Electronics And Energy Storage

UserDr Xinliang Feng (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 10 June 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene-Based Fast Electronics And Optoelectronics

UserDr Phaedon Avouris (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 03 June 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Ultrafast Broadband Spectroscopy of Bilayer Graphene

UserDr Enrico Da Como (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 18 March 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Self-Healing Nanomaterials

UserDr Vincenzo Amendola (Universita’ di Padova, Italy).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 11 March 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Nanotubes/Graphene transparent conductors

UserGiulia Privitera (Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 04 March 2011, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Functional Hydrogen-Bonded Helical Nanotubes

UserDr Dan Pantos (Chemistry Department, University of Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 26 November 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Printed and Plastic Electronics

UserProf. Martin Goosey (Loughborough University, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 29 October 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Nanoscale Studies of Hybrid Solar Cells

UserDr Caterina Ducati (Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 08 October 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Mangetoelectric Coupling Via Magnetic Force Microscopy

UserDr Massimo Ghidini (Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 02 July 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Nanotechnologies for Mobile Devices

UserDr Chris Bower (Nokia Research Centre, Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 11 June 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Carbon Based Electronics and Optoelectronics

UserDr Vasili Perebeinos (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 04 June 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Plastic Electronics

UserProf Richard Friend (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 26 February 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Near-Field Raman Scattering in One Dimensional Systems

UserProf Gustavo Cancado (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 05 February 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Magneto-Optics of Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Nano-Particles in Nematics

UserProf. Yu Reznikov (Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 15 January 2010, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Photonics Beyond 1550nm

UserDr Harvey Beere (Cavendish Laboratories, University of Cambridge).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 04 December 2009, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Electrons in Two Dimensions: Models for Graphene

UserDr Francisco Guinea (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 22 May 2009, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Excitons in Nanotube Bundles

UserProf. Ping Heng Tan (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 15 May 2009, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene Nanoelectromechanical Systems

UserProf. Joseph Scott Bunch (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 08 May 2009, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Atomic Structures of Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials

UserProf. Sumio Iijima. (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology /Nanotube Research Center, Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University and NEC, Japan).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 10 October 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Nanocrystals: Past-Present-Future

UserProf. Alexander Eychmüller (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 06 June 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Low Threshold DBF Lasing at Localized Modes in Chiral Liquid Crystals

UserProf. Vladimir A. Belyakov (L.D.Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, Russia).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 16 May 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene and Nanotube Solutions

UserDr Alain Penicaud (Université Bordeaux-I, France).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 14 March 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Single Molecular Devices

UserDr Andre Gourdon (Centre d'Elaboration de Matériaux et d'Etudes Structurales, Tolouse, France).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 07 March 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Polymer Slab Waveguides For Cubic Nonlinear Optics

UserProf Christoph Bubeck (Max Planck Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 15 February 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Quantum Transport in Low Dimensional Carbon Based Materials & Devices

UserDr Stephan Roche (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Grenoble, France).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 08 February 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene-Based Nano-Electronics

UserProf. Alberto Morpurgo (Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 01 February 2008, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Graphene-Based Materials

UserProf. Rodney Ruoff (The University of Texas at Austin, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 14 December 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Beyond the Conventional Transistor: Silicon and Carbon Nanoelectronics

UserDr Max Lemme (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro-und Optoelektronik, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 07 December 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

From Ordered Nanowires to Controlled Solid State Reactions

UserProf. Margit Zacharias (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freigburg, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 16 November 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Boron Nitride Nanotubes

UserDr Annick Loiseau (Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures, ONERA, France).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 26 October 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Computational Nanophotonics: from Photonic Crystals to Surface Plasmons

User Prog. Elefterios Lidorikis (Department of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Ioannina, Greece).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 05 October 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

In situ Synthesis and Characterization of Catalysts and Nanostructured Materials

UserProf. Renu Sharma (LE- Center for Solid State Science, Arizona State University, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 05 October 2007, 11:00-12:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Optical compensation of Liquid Crystal Displays

UserProf. Vassili V. Sergan (Dept of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Sacramento, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 13 July 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Building Blocks of Nanoscale Electronics

UserProf. Jia Grace Lu (Dept. of Phys. and Elect. Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockMonday 09 July 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Mobile Micro- and Nano-Instruments

UserProf. Vassili Karanassios, (Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 15 June 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures as Experimental Cells in the Electron Microscope

UserProf. Florian Barhnard (Institut fur Physikalische Chemi, Johannes Gutenber-Universitat Mainz, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 08 June 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Excitons in Nanotubes

UserProf. P. H. Tan (Chinese Academy of Sciences).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 25 May 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Ferroelectric Random Access Memories

UserProf. Jim Scott (Earth Sciences Department, Cambridge).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 02 February 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Theoretical Insight into the Oxidation of Nanoporous Carbon Materials

UserDr Johan M. Carlsson (Theory Department, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 26 January 2007, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Boron Nitride Nanotubes

UserProf. Angel Rubio (Dpto. Fisica de Materiales, U. Pais Vasco, Spain).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 15 December 2006, 16:00-17:00

CAPE-CIKC Advanced Technology Lectures

Ferroelectrc Random Access Memories

UserDr. Gustau Catalan (Earth Sciences Department, Cambridge).

HouseCentre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, 9, JJ Thomson Ave..

ClockFriday 10 November 2006, 16:00-17:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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