University of Cambridge > > Sackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm)

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0 upcoming talks and 117 talks in the archive.

The Eddington Lectures

Heavy elements in red giant stars

Eddington Lecture 2019

UserAmanda Karakas (Monash).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 07 March 2019, 16:00-17:00

The Kavli Lectures

Galactic Winds and the Circumgalactic Medium

Kavli Lecture

UserSylvain Veilleux (Maryland).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 14 February 2019, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

How galaxies form stars

UserAndrey Kravtsov (U Chicago).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 04 October 2018, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Fast Radio Bursts

UserBen Stappers (Manchester).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 03 May 2018, 16:00-17:00

The Eddington Lectures

The Chemistry of Planet Formation and the Making of Habitable Planets

Eddingtion Lecture 2018

UserKarin I. Öberg (Harvard University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 08 March 2018, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Cosmology from the Kilo-Degree Survey

UserCatherine Heymans (IfA, Edinburgh).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 08 February 2018, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Supernova Dust

UserMike Barlow, University College London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 26 October 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

New Frontiers in Exoplanet Characterization

UserJayne Birkby (University of Amsterdam).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 19 October 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

The growth of disks and bulges

UserStijn Wuyts (University of Bath).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 18 May 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

The Hubble Space Telescope: 27 Years of Cosmic Discovery

UserJennifer Wiseman (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 27 April 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Novae and Supernovae: Intimate Connections

UserMichael Shara (American Museum of Natural History in New York/IoA, Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 16 March 2017, 16:00-17:00

The Eddington Lectures

Physical Manifestations of Evolution, Regularity and Chaos In and Around Our Galaxy

Eddingtion Lecture 2017

UserKathryn Johnston (Columbia University).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 09 March 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

The Plurality of Worlds

UserAmaury Triaud (IoA, Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 23 February 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Galactic Palaeontology

UserEline Tolstoy (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 26 January 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

The repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102: a long time ago in a galaxy far-far away

UserJason Hessels (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy and University of Amsterdam).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 19 January 2017, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Big Questions in Exoplanetary Science

UserNikku Madhusudhan (IoA, Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 03 November 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array

UserChris Carilli (Astrophysics, Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 20 October 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Star Formation in a Hard X-ray Selected AGN Sample

UserRichard Mushotzky (University of Maryland).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 06 October 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Magnetars life cycle: birth, evolution and death

UserNanda Rea (CSIC-IEEC, Barcelona/University of Amsterdam).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 19 May 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Stimulated Feedback In Galaxies and Clusters

UserBrian McNamara (University of Waterloo, Canada).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 21 April 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Stimulated Feedback In Galaxies and Clusters

UserBrian McNamara (University of Waterloo, Canada).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockMonday 11 April 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Evolution

UserPaul Nandra (Max-Planck-Inst. für extraterrestrische Physik).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockFriday 29 January 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

The Variability of Accreting Black Holes

UserChris Reynolds (University of Maryland).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 21 January 2016, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Galaxy evolution in proto-clusters

UserNina Hatch (University of Nottingham).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 26 November 2015, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

X-ray Binaries and ULXs

UserPeter Jonker (SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 19 November 2015, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Brown dwarfs and their disks: new results and old problems

UserAntonella Natta (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and Osservatorio di Arcetri, Firenze).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 12 November 2015, 16:00-17:00

Institute of Astronomy Colloquia

Galaxy Surveys: More Than Dark Energy

UserOfer Lahav (University College London).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, IoA (tea at 3:30 pm).

ClockThursday 29 October 2015, 16:00-17:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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