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Mathematical Physics Seminar
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Description to be confirmed If you have a question about this list, please contact: Professor Maciej Dunajski; Tim Adamo; Professor Nicholas S. Manton. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 1 upcoming talk and 242 talks in the archive. On kink clusters for scalar fields in dimension 1+1.
The S Algebra in Self-Dual Yang-Mills: Twistorial and Spacetime Perspectives
Spacetime extensions in low regularity
From Twistors to celestial symmetries and their AdS deformations
Split signature supergravity - Hypersymplectic geometry via new geometric structures
Counting periodic orbits. LMS Hardy Lecture
Classification of static extreme black holes
New Directions in the Fractalization, Quantization, and Revival of Dispersive Systems
Carroll, Cotton and Ehlers
Statistical Mechanics of Abelian Higgs Vortices.
Superconformal quantum mechanics and Black Holes
The Memory Effect and Infrared Divergences in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity
Almost all extremal black holes in AdS are singular
Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with trapping potentials in higher dimensions
Cartan Connections and Integrable Vortex Equations
Large data decay of Yang?Mills?Higgs fields for Lambda >= 0
Skyrmions, quantum Hall droplets, and one current to rule them all
Random surfaces and Liouville quantum gravity
Clusters in light nuclei matter
The homology of correspondence spaces and some massless tree amplitude identities
Skyrmions from monopoles and calorons
Conformal geodesics, gravitational instantons, and integrability.
Surface charges for gravity in tetrad variables: some surprises explained
Holographic Uhlmann Holonomy and the Entanglement Wedge Symplectic Form
Black hole interiors and modular inclusions
Optimal Transportation and Ricci curvature for Lorentzian manifolds
On twistor geometry and black hole perturbation theory
Worldline Instantons for Magnetic Monopoles in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Geometry and symmetries of homogeneous kinematical spacetimes.
Phi^4 kinks on a wormhole spacetime
Magnetic Skyrmions at critical coupling
Skyrmions and rho mesons, a successful relationship for light nuclei
Strings, high energy and curved spacetimes
Twists, categorification, and hyperKähler manifolds
Optimal collective coordinate in low-energy nuclear reactions
Superconformal quantum mechanics and integrability
Quantum geometry from the quantisation of gravitational boundary modes on a null surface
Skyrmions, Quantum Graphs and Carbon-12
Planck Stars: theory and observations
Localization and chiral splitting in scattering amplitudes
Yang-Mills measure on Riemann surfaces, large N limits
Stationary black holes with matter fields and negative cosmological constant
Number theory and classification of integrable systems
On the Construction of Monopoles
Towards bulk extension of near-horizon geometries
Exact Gravitational Wave Signatures from Colliding Extreme Black Holes
Conformal and projective compactifications in GR
Reflection Positivity: Something Old and Something New
Integrable systems associated to submanifolds in Grassmanians
The geometry of the space of BPS vortex-antivortex pairs
Spacetime near an extreme horizon
The Binet-Legendre metric in Finsler geometry and some applications
On a Quantum Construction for Classical Space-Times: Palatial Twistor Theory
Mathematical structures in QFT: between functional analysis and geometry
Four-dimensional quasi-Einstein manifolds
Integrable Boundary Scattering in AdS3/CFT2
Skyrmions, multi--instantons, and SU(infinity) Toda equation
Jumping Twistor Spaces, and folded hyper-Kahler manifolds.
Minimal Lagrangian connections on compact surfaces
Tractor calculi for conformal and other geometries
Resurgence and novel solitons in eta-deformed principal chiral models
Spectral stability of nonlinear Dirac equation
Geometrical Interpretation of Vortices
Algebraically special solutions in various theories of gravity
Twistor theory and topology of Ward solitons
A new look at the hydrogen atom
Painlevé monodromy: geometry and quantization
Skyrmions, Oxygen-16 and the 6-punctured sphere
Charge Quantization from a Number Operator
On Witten - Kontsevich tau-function and its generalisations
A positive Bondi--type mass in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
Supersymmetric Anti-de-Sitter Solutions
Metrisability of Painleve equations, and Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type
Berry's connection, Kahler geometry and the Nahm construction of monopoles
Frobenius manifolds, TQFT’s and a class of elliptic solutions
Evanescent ergosurfaces and ambipolar hyperkähler metrics
Baby Skyrme models without a potential term
Symplectic geometry and feedback loops on graphs.
The mathematical structure of covariant loop quantum gravity and an application to primordial black holes decay
Vortices, non-relativistic field theory and the Quantum Hall Effect
Topics in modern surface theory with visualizations
Quartics, sextics and G_2 structures
Quartics, sextics and G_2 structures
Commuting the mean-field and classical limits in quantum mechanic
Vacuum Decay by Topological Solitons
Integrable tops, separation of variables and Stasheff polytopes
Spectral Sequences Applied to Two Specific Problems in the BRST Cohomology of Supersymmetric Theories in D=4 and D=10 Spacetime dimensions.
Instanton Solutions from Abelian Sinh-Gordon and Tzitzeica Vortices.
Supergravity, T-duality and Double Field Theory
Knotted structures of light, gravitational radiation, and plasma
Mass renormalization in (super)string theory
From the twistor action to amplitudes, Wilson loops, dlogs and dilogs
From the positive Grassmannian to shallow water waves, via soliton solutions to the KP equation
Tree-Level S-Matrices: from Einstein to Yang-Mills, Born-Infeld, and More
An Abelian-Higgs vortex on a compact hyperbolic surface
Jumps, twists & reflections in integrable field theories
Instantons, moduli, and the ADHM construction
Universal properties of quantum gravity
How to recognize a conformally Einstein metric
Integrable dispersionless PDEs in multidimensions: rigorous aspects of the Cauchy problem, wave breaking and exact implicit solutions.
Superconformal quantum mechanics and the exterior algebra.
Exact results in AdS/CFT from localization
Characterising classical minimal surfaces via the entropy differential
Generalised geometry in eleven dimensions
Twistors, Massive Particles and Hidden Supersymmetries
The Equations of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology.
Quantum Integrability and Conformally Equivariant Quantization.
How Many is Different? Answer from Ideal Bose Gas
Vortices on Surfaces of Small Curvature
Vortices on Surfaces of Small Curvature
The Riemann-Hilbert Method for Soliton Equations
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics on vortex moduli spaces
Recent progress and open questions in G2-geometry
H-projective geometry and Kahler metrics of high degree of mobility.
Some Spacetimes with Higher Rank Killing-Stackel Tensors.
Webs, differential equations and Einstein-Weyl structures.
Holonomy reduction for split-signature conformal 4-manifolds
Twistor geometry of a pair of second order ODEs.
Universal formulae in Lie algebras and Chern-Simons theory
Null Geodesics and the Generalisation of the Optical Metric
Asymptotic safety in the f(R) approximation
Soliton models with SDiff symmetry
The supersymmetric nuts and bolts of holography
Gravitational Instantons and charged particles
Twistor approach to string compactifications
Loop quantum gravity, twisted geometries and twistors
Dispersionless integrable systems in 3D and Einstein-Weyl geometry
Conformal gravity and twistor-string theory
Computational complexity in the formalism of quantum physics
Mathematical aspects of the supergravity c-map.
Weyl metrisability for projective surfaces
Twistors and conformal theories from six dimensions
The Penrose transform and Gerbes in 6-dimensions
Deformations of G2-structures with torsion
Invisibility Cloaks, Transformation Optics, Liquid Crystals and General Relativity.
Living in curved momentum space.
Projective Structure in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
Hyperbolic monopoles and pluricomplex geometry
Faraday's Lines of Force as Strings: from Gauss' Law to the Arrow of Time
Galilean conformal and superconformal symmetries.
Scattering Amplitudes, Wilson Loops and Correlation Functions in Twistor Space
Moduli of vortices and Grassmann manifolds
Projective, Optical, and Path Geometries
The hyperbolicity of Skyrme model through the lens of elastodynamics
Supersymmetric black holes in N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity and attractors
The phases of extremely dense deuterium
Quaternionic Geometry and String Theory
Theodora Ioannidou (Thessaloniki)
Optical structures and algebraic speciality of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions
On the integrability of symplectic Monge-Ampere equations.
The Quillen bundle and geometric prequantization of various moduli spaces
Transparent connections over negatively curved surfaces
Nearly Kaehler manifolds and G_2-instantons
Superstring sigma models from generalised self-dual Yang-Mills theory
Twistor-Strings, Grassmannians and Leading Singularities
Galilean Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions
Hyperbolic vortices from holomorphic maps
Automorphic Lie algebras and corresponding integrable systems
Twisted Darboux transformation and quasideterminant solutions of a super KdV equation
Kahler metrics and Killing-Yano forms in conformal geometry
Lieb-Liniger Bose gas as the non-relativistic limit of the sinh-Gordon model
Subsectors of sigma models on G/H superspaces
Asymptotic stability of Chern-Simons vortices
Trialities and Exceptional Lie Algebras: Deconstructing the Magic Square
Hamiltonian Structure of the Water Wave Equations
Highly Supersymmetric Solutions
Overdetermined PDE and differential complexes
A class of (1+1) dim models that generalise the Sine Gordon model
What is a quantum constraint? Examples from Loop Quantum Cosmology
The Multiple Layer Structure of Non-Abelian Vortices
Monopoles, Sphalerons and Non-Abelian Black Holes
Strominger-Yau-Zaslow geometry, Affine Spheres and Painleve III.
On magnetic pseudodifferential operators with coefficients in C*-algebras.
New Poisson algebras arising in Teichm\"uller theory
Integrable systems and differential equations
Near horizon optical geometry and universal properties of black holes
Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
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