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Virtual Seminar
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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 63 talks in the archive. MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars BSU Seminar: "Derivative-Based Neural Modelling of Cumulative Distribution Functions for Survival Analysis"This will be a free online seminar. To register to attend virtually, please click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqdu6gpjgrHd1yp38Mi3xQxgCg_5BOQThO
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: "Variable Selection and Prioritization in Bayesian Machine Learning Methods"This will be a free virtual seminar. To register, please click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlc--rrT8qGNMFApbQ8304Icj6vW4CDcFo
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars BSU Seminar: “Optimising the discovery and development of gene silencing drugs with genetics and genomics”This will be a virtual seminar. To register for free, please click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEudeGqrDgpH9w6XLGADT0ZoJB-ARc5EdD0
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: "A flexible sensitivity analysis for sample selection bias"This will be a virtual seminar. To register for free, please click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bsu-seminar-dr-matt-tudball-tickets-251838374357
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: "Using Variational Bayes for fast inference in large longitudinal datasets”This will be a free virtual seminar. If you would like to attend, please register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bsu-virtual-seminar-dr-david-hughes-tickets-242962345917
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars BSU virtual seminar: "Assessing batch effects and their implications in single cell RNA sequencing experiments"This will be a virtual seminar. If you would like to attend, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for the joining information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Muonic Force Behind Flavour Anomalies - Peter Stangl
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Flavorful Higgs bosons and the muon g-2 - Stefania Gori
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU seminar: "NanoSplicer: Accurate identification of splice junctions using Oxford Nanopore sequencing"This will be a online seminar. You can register for free at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bsu-seminar-dr-heejung-shim-tickets-198278104147
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Perturbative Cross Sections at N3LO - Bernhard Mistlberger
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Searches for new interactions within the SMEFT framework at the LHC
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: “Methodological Advances in Risk Prediction"This will be a virtual seminar. If you would like to attend, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for the joining information.
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars BSU Virtual Seminar: “Estimating treatment effects from adaptive clinical trials”If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar A puzzle in $B\to D^{+*}{\pi,K}$ decays: is it New Physics?
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Leading hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic moment from lattice quantum chromodynamics
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar A model of muon anomalies
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Towards NNLO QCD+NLO EW PDF fits with NNPDF
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Confidence intervals for policy evaluation in adaptive experiments’If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: 'Probabilistic models of transcriptomic dysregulation in human genetic disease'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to W and Z production and their impact on W mass measurements at the LHC
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: 'Adapting Real-World Experimentation To Balance Enhancement of User Experiences with Statistically Robust Scientific Discovery'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Instanton/Sphaleron processes in hadronic, heavy ion collisions and cosmology
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Towards an all-orders calculation of the electroweak bubble wall velocity
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: 'Statistical Inference with M-Estimators on Bandit Data’If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: 'Bayesian pyramids: Identifying interpretable deep structure underlying high-dimensional data’If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar NNLO event generation for top pair production at the LHC
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar New Directions for Light Dark Matter
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Uncovering hidden new physics patterns at high-energy colliders with probabilistic models
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars BSU Virtual Seminar: 'A Simulation-Free Approach To Assessing the Performance of the Continual Reassessment Method'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Series expansions methods for Feynman integrals and the DiffExp Mathematica package
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Consistency of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Parton Evolution Beyond Current Paradigms
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar An even lighter QCD axion
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Resummation of transverse observables in direct space
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: ‘The DURATIONS design: a practical trial design to optimise treatment duration’If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email: research_admin@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: 'PROGRESS in sample size calculations for clinical prediction model research'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email: research_admin@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Charting the Fifth Force Landscape
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Local Unitarity: a representation of differential cross-sections that is locally free of infrared singularities at any order
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Finite field methods in Feynman integral reduction program Kira
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: ‘Score driven modeling of spatio-temporal data’If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email: research_admin@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Is SMEFT enough?
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: 'Using auxiliary variables in mediation analysis to address unmeasured confounding'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email: research_admin@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar McMule -- QED Corrections for Low-Energy Experiments
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Searching for Ultralight Axions with Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Rethinking the QCD axion
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Computing Multi-Scale QCD Amplitudes
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Stochastic treatment interventions in causal survival analysis'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Flavour constraints on flavourless new physics
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Assumption-lean inference for generalised linear model parameters'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email alison.quenault@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
Lattice field theory informal seminars Doubly heavy tetraquark states in LQCD
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Looking at QED through the glasses of Very Special Relativity
Lattice field theory informal seminars b->c semileptonic decays and phenomenology
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual BSU Seminar: 'Parameterizing Causal Marginal Models'If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email: research_admin@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Charging a leptoquark under Lmu-Ltau
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar The partonic structure of the electron
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar (Machine) learning amplitudes for faster event generation
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar A New Concept for Axion Dark Matter Detection
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: “Delayed-acceptance Sequential Monte Carlo”If you would like to join this virtual seminar, please email: research_admin@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk for more information.
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Discovering Goldstone bosons at the LHC
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Infrared Finite Cross Sections and S-matrix elements
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar On resonances, amplitudes and the UV completion of gravity
HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar Quantum Computing for Quantum Field Theory
MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars Virtual Seminar: “Including expert knowledge in genomic selection through intuitive tree-based joint priors”
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsConference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture Gordon Lab Seminar Series Kuwait Foundation LecturesOther talksThe Challenges of Meta-analysing Metabolomics Data; Experiences from the Consortium Of METabolomics Studies (COMETS). Blood villains and heros Are economists getting climate dynamics right and does it matter? CANCELLED: Art Speak Chromatin structure changes are essential for development and evolution of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni CSAR online webinar. Dieselgate: The Inside Story |