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Cambridge Technology & New Media Research Cluster

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For the 2019-2020 academic year, the Technology and New Media Research Cluster convene during the term on announced Mondays 5-6.30pm in 17 Mill Lane Seminar Room B.

The aim of the research cluster is to bring together academics from a range of backgrounds with an interest in technology and new media in order to explore and discuss recent and ongoing research. We welcome all students (undergraduate and postgraduate), staff, and visiting scholars to attend and participate in any/all sessions. 

This year, the cluster will cover a wide range of research topics including digital media production, digital media cultures, trust, automation, digital labour, environmental impacts as well as the economic transformations unfolding through technological innovations. An overarching theme of all events will be addressing the implications for social theory that result from empirical observations of change.

Many speakers will join the research cluster exclusively for their session, and we therefore encourage anyone with an interest on the topic not to miss the opportunity.

In addition, discussions welcome input and suggestions deemed of interest by the membership. If you wish to become a member of the research cluster, please join our Facebook group, or see our Facebook page for the latest updates. For more information, please email convener Isabel Guenette Thornton:, or this year’s co-conveners Tellef Raabe: and Robert Dorschel:

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