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Enthusiasm and Motivation By AristotleAdd to your list(s) Send you e-mail reminders Aristotle is a combination of multitudes of identities. He a top corporate executive of Bangladesh with more than 15 years of experience behind him. He is an Ex-Naval Officer As well where he served from 1998 to 2002.He is a famous stand-up comedian & a video blogger and has been part of comedy revolution in Bangladesh. He is a leading brand strategist and corporate trainer, with proven calibre in professional and brand development of many organizations. But the identity he holds closest to his heart is the identity of a motivator and educator. Aristotle aims to leverage social media to reach out to students and young professionals to teach and educate critical behavioural soft-skills and corporate grooming tips, which otherwise are not available to the sub-urban and rural population of the country. He also covers moral and social issues which touches the hearts of young citizens of Bangladesh, such as child labour, gang violence, female education, gender equality etc. This personal profile is a platform for Hero Alom to promote ideas, knowledge, training and motivation for future Bangladesh. This talk is part of the CamTalk series. This list is ex-directory. This means that it does not appear in the index. Note that, like with a telephone, people can still access the list by guessing its number. Note that, unlike with a telephone, guessing the number is a trivial challenge.