University of Cambridge > > Next Generation Biophysics Symposium ; Weds 18th September 2024

Next Generation Biophysics Symposium ; Weds 18th September 2024

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A one day meeting organised by AstraZeneca, Imperial College London and MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology examining how cutting edge biophysical techniques can be applied in complex biological settings and how new emerging technologies may be able to address challenging questions in the future. The meeting is FREE and hosted by the MRC LMB in Cambridge

Further information and registration


Session I – Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography

9:30 Prof. Peijun Zhang, University of Oxford, UK:

In situ structural virology: from virus infection to vaccine.

10:00 Prof. James ‘Jim’ Naismith, University of Oxford, UK:

Structure inside the cell; atomic pathology.

10:30 Dr. Alessandro Costa, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK:

Activation of a eukaryotic origin of replication visualised by cryo-EM.

Session II – Single Molecule Applications

11:30 Prof. Ben van Houten, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, USA :

A new single molecule approach to study DNA repair protein dynamics: seeing is believing.

12:00 Prof. Beat Fierz, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland:

Imaging real-time single-molecule dynamics in genome regulation.

12:30 Prof. Ben Schuler, University of Zurich, Switzerland:

Single-molecule dynamics and interactions of disordered proteins: From disordered complexes to phase separation.

Session III – New Methodologies I

2:00 Dr. Helena Knowles, University of Cambridge, UK:

Diamond quantum sensors for probing living systems

2:30 Prof. Ruth Cameron, University of Cambridge, UK:

Ice templating for tissue culture applications

3:00 Ass. Prof. Julia Kamenz, University of Groningen, Netherlands:

Visualizing the cell cycle clock using novel single fluorophore biosensors.

Session IV – New Methodologies II

4:00 Ass. Prof. Arjen Jakobi, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft, Netherlands:

Prospects of nanofluidic cavities for cryo-EM sample preparation and 4D structural biology

4:30 Dr. Barbora Špačková , Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic:

Quantitative Label-Free Imaging at the Single Molecule Level

Keynote Lecture

5:10 Prof. Stefan Hell

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen & Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany:

MINFLUX nanoscopy and related matters

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