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eSCAMPS 2020

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eSCAMPS is an annual conference for graduate students organised by PhD students at the European Bioinformatics Institute, the Sanger Institute, and Cambridge University. This year we are focusing on “Future Challenges” in the life sciences, with keynote speakers Professors Janet Lord, Mark Post and Wendy Bickmore (

The one-day conference is taking place on February 21st 2020. Registration until 20th January 2020.

We additionally provide an opportunity for students to present their work through short talks and a poster session, typically attracting 150 graduate students from EBI , Sanger and Cambridge University.

This year we are also very excited to host a workshop entitled “Rethinking how research is assessed” led by the DORA initiative and delivered by steering committee members Stuart King and David Carr (Wellcome Trust). We think this will help young scientists navigate today’s fast-evolving research and industry landscape.

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