Talks on 2019/1/31
Thursday 31 January 2019
- 10:00 - Fluorescent Labeling, FRET and Light Sheet Microscopy
- 11:00 - Antarctic Heritage and International Relations: Commemorating the Ross Sea Party
- 11:30 - Diffusion problems for Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in permeable porous media
- 12:00 - Viruses and the circadian clock: Rhythms, replication and pathogenesis
- 13:00 - Genome Architecture Mapping: discovering 3D genome topology in rare cell types
- 13:00 - Sychronized cells as a model for the diel regulation of Rubisco-EPYC1 interactions in the Chlamydomonas CCM
- 13:00 - Continuum Model for Collective Behaviour of Micro-Swimmers
- 13:00 - Constructing the field: power, persona and paper tools
- 13:00 - How People Really Make Medical Decisions: The Problem of the Patient
- 13:00 - A scalable platform for IoT & analytics by SAS or, how researchers & start-ups can avoid reinventing the wheel
- 13:00 - Visual Infrastructures: Lunchtime Film Screenings
- 13:10 - Planet Nine: To Be or Not To Be
- 13:30 - Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Networks on Manifolds
- 14:00 - In Situ Self-Assembly of Conjugated Polymers
- 14:15 - 50 years on. Recollections of a former young theoretical physicist
- 14:30 - Analytic functions in Bernoulli percolation
- 15:00 - Mitochondrial biogenesis: dynamic complexes for a dynamic organelle
- 15:00 - Replace your exploit-ridden firmware with a Linux Kernel
- 15:30 - Bathing, bloodletting and bed-rest in the high medieval monastery
- 15:30 - The Eye’s Mind – perspectives on visual imagery
- 16:00 - The molecular and cellular logic of spinal cord formation
- 16:00 - Integration-by-parts identities and multi-loop QCD amplitudes
- 16:00 - Helium Stars, Heavy Metals, High Velocities and Explosions
- 16:00 - Helium Stars, Heavy Metals, High Velocities and Explosions
- 16:30 - Nuclear fuel manufacture at Westinghouse Springfields past, present and future
- 17:00 - Eric Williams and William Forbes: Copper, colonies, and the industrial revolution
- 17:00 - 'Full marks to this sex-help clinic for the teenage lover'. The Brook Advisory Centre in London and Birmingham (1964-1980)
- 17:30 - Christ's Climate seminar 3: Investigating how politicians understand and act on climate change
- 17:30 - Roxane Noël: John of Salisbury on Education and Human Flourishing
- 18:00 - Open Event: FlexEnable and flexible electronics