Talks on 2018/2/27
Tuesday 27 February 2018
- 09:15 - Theory of Cytoskeleton-driven Mechanisms
- 10:00 - Combining tools and technologies to identify post-transcriptional modifications in RNA
- 12:00 - Communicating Your Research to the Wider World
- 12:30 - Athena SWAN Network Event: Changing Culture
- 13:00 - Intrinsically Motivating Teachers;STIR's use of Data Driven Insight to Iterate, Pivot and (where necessary) Fail Fast
- 13:00 - Developing a single-cell transcriptomic data analysis pipeline
- 13:00 - Developing an optimisation algorithm to supervise active learning in drug discovery
- 13:00 - Algorithmic Investigation of Large Biological Data sets
- 13:00 - New methods for genetic analysis
- 13:00 - Statistical analysis of biotherapeutic datasets to facilitate early ‘Critical Quality Attribute’ characterization.
- 13:00 - Constraint Analysis and Optimization in Medicine Development and Supply
- 13:00 - Enhanced Decision Making in Drug Discovery
- 13:10 - Mandatory Madness: Colonial Psychiatry and British Mandate Palestine, 1920-48
- 13:15 - Art speak
- 14:00 - Identification of Active Species and Mechanistic Pathways in the Enantioselective Catalysis with 3d Transition Metal Pincer Complexes
- 14:00 - Part IIB Poster Presentations
- 14:00 - Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for Bayesian inference in Hilbert spaces
- 14:00 - Metropolis-Hastings algorithms for Bayesian inference in Hilbert spaces
- 14:30 - Character varieties and (\varphi_L,\Gamma_L)-modules
- 15:00 - Developments in Radiotherapy
- 16:00 - Planck Stars: theory and observations
- 16:15 - Criticality in random transposition random walk
- 16:45 - Cooperation, Construction, Coercion, Consent: Understanding the Role of Reimagined Urban Space within Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
- 17:00 - Changing understandings of the human fetus over five decades of legal abortion
- 17:00 - The Hopkins Lecture 2018 - mTOR and Lysosomes in Growth Control
- 17:00 - Heterogeneous effects of performance pay with market competition: Evidence from a randomized field experiment
- 17:30 - Michael Alexander Gage and the mapping of Liverpool, 1828–1836
- 17:30 - Berndt Hauptkorn: 'The Business of Luxury'
- 17:30 - Early Detection multidisciplinary networking series event 3: Mr Grant Stewart & Professor Russel Cowburn
- 17:45 - Strong Bonds, Affective Labour: Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Work of History
- 18:15 - Does a neuron know that it's asleep?
- 19:30 - Laser Printed Organic Electronics, Metal-Organic Framework - Polymer Nanofiber Composites for Gas Separation
- 19:30 - Vest up! Working with St John's Medical Response Team
- 19:30 - Giving and Faith, Religion and Altruism, with Fran Day
- 19:45 - Quasars – a key component of galaxy evolution and the way to determine when the Universe reionised
- 20:00 - Human Brain Development Modelled in a Dish