Talks on 2015/5/13
Wednesday 13 May 2015
- 12:30 - An overview of the not-so-distant future of psychology and cognitive neuroscience: Replication, preregistration, data sharing, open peer review and more
- 13:00 - Gill arch serial homology and the origin of jawed vertebrates
- 13:00 - Aron’s political antinomies and the constitution of international order.
- 13:00 - There is no problem of interpersonal comparisons
- 13:00 - The Double-faced subjects: Deconstructing superiority of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong
- 14:00 - Cellular Systems Biology of Chromosome Dynamics
- 14:00 - Malnutrition and Poverty Traps
- 14:00 - Conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples
- 14:15 - Random matrices, free fermions and extreme value statistics
- 14:15 - Smoothing properties of the Kaehler-Ricci flow
- 14:15 - Silicon quantum dots for quantum information processing
- 14:30 - Exponential Convergence to Equilibrium and Hypocoercivity
- 14:45 - 1st year seminars 2015, session 3
- 15:00 - Molecular strategies for monitoring and controlling mitochondria
- 16:00 - Onobrychis viciifolia a natural alternative to ivermectin
- 16:00 - Involutive Heegaard Floer homology and new correction terms
- 16:00 - Invariant forms on minuscule representations
- 16:30 - Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2015 - II
- 16:30 - Cognitive development assessed by object manipulation in great apes and humans
- 16:30 - Evidence for, and implications of, a grounded ice sheet in the Central North Sea during the Pleistocene
- 17:00 - Imagining India, decolonising l'Inde francaise, 1947-1954
- 17:00 - John von Neumann, Alan Turing and the origins of cellular automata
- 17:00 - Peasant farmers and their workers in medieval England
- 17:00 - Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: The Emergence and Evolution of a Power Elite
- 17:15 - Language situation and endangerment in Uganda: Facts and perspectives
- 18:00 - The World on an Elliptic Curve
- 18:00 - Evening Talk: Modern Art wrestling and sport
- 18:00 - The Relative Merits of Alternative Goals of Development: Happiness, Income or Human
- 19:00 - Five star American Habitats