Talks on 2014/10/21
Tuesday 21 October 2014
- 11:00 - GDGTs as a Temperature Proxy in Antarctic Lakes: Reconstructing Holocene Climate in Yanou Lake, King George Island
- 11:30 - Microtubules need actin's help in large oocytes, to collect chromosomes and to break the nuclear envelope
- 12:00 - "The role of epigenetic regulators and their therapeutic targeting in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and haematological malignancies”
- 13:00 - Post-adoption Contact between Adoptive and Birth Families: What Mater for Identity Development?
- 13:00 - Spheres, swimmers, petals and patterns
- 13:10 - The Sage Under the Bo: Darwinism and Buddhism in Samuel Beckett's How It Is.
- 14:00 - Current Practice in Combinatorial Auctions for Radio Spectrum
- 14:15 - A new take on arithmetic universes.
- 14:30 - How do I get a job offer? - Graduate and internship applications and interview workshop.
- 14:30 - Optimal control and optimal sampling: A statistical physics perspective.
- 15:00 - How do I get a job offer? - Graduate and internship applications and interview workshop
- 16:00 - Ambitwistor strings at null infinity
- 16:00 - Using the Ekman 60 Faces Test to Detect Emotion Recognition Deficit in Brain Injury Patients
- 16:00 - Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- 16:15 - Plectic cohomology of Shimura varieties
- 16:30 - What are the progenitors of type Ia Supernovae?
- 16:30 - Visual anthropological perspectives on South Asian society
- 16:30 - Solving the dynamical sine-Gordon equation
- 17:00 - Paranoid Masculinities: Conspiracy Theory in Mark Twain's Fiction
- 17:00 - Writing in South Italy: Adaptation, Exchange and Identity
- 17:00 - Menstrual time and the blood of stigmata: Catherine Cadiere and Father Girard, an 18th-century menstrual cause célèbre
- 17:00 - The Political Use of Research in Studying Elites: Participatory Action Research
- 17:30 - ‘How many long mirrors?’: Reflecting on the arrival of women at Pembroke
- 17:30 - Lethal Safety? Fukushima, Fear and the Nuclear Puzzle
- 17:45 - 'The nightingales won’t let you sleep in Platres'. Re-visiting the Greek Past
- 17:45 - Meet the Chaplains
- 18:00 - Ecomachines: Designing the Cars of the Future
- 18:15 - Physics in the Nervous System
- 18:30 - Bitcoin: the good, the bad, and the ugly!
- 19:15 - Adaptive dose-finding designs to identify multiple doses that achieve multiple response targets
- 19:30 - Planets, asteroids and dust around nearby stars
- 20:00 - Building Brains
- 20:30 - The Orator as Stage Director in Roman Rhetoric. A Case Study of Cicero's Perorations
- 21:00 - Topological solitons