Talks on 2010/5/19
Wednesday 19 May 2010
- 10:00 - Exploring ODE model uncertainty via diffusions, with application to physiological processes
- 10:30 - Fibril fragmentation in amyloid assembly and cytotoxicity - When size matters
- 11:00 - Lattice dynamics of mercury (II) iodide
- 11:40 - DFT mapping of the reaction cavity in photolinkage isomerism complexes
- 12:30 - Autism Spectrum characteristics and their relationship to brain structure and function in the typical population
- 13:00 - Wall-E or Terminator? The past, present and future of Machine Learning
- 13:15 - A placemaker’s guide to building community
- 14:15 - Holography for Cosmology
- 14:15 - Statistical problems in complex networks
- 14:15 - Symmetry, equivalence and molecular self-organisation
- 14:15 - Statistical problems in complex networks
- 14:15 - Mumford-Tate groups and the classification of Hodge structures
- 15:00 - Designing metal containing anticancer drugs in the absence of a well defined target
- 16:00 - Gravitational-Wave Detectors above 10Hz: Weber Bars, LIGO, GEO, VIRGO, TAMA, LCGT, and Einstein Telescope
- 16:00 - Upper bounds on Reidemeister moves
- 16:00 - Evaluating Healthcare Improvements: Has Pay for Performance been successful in the NHS?
- 16:00 - Semi-open problems in open and closed queueing networks
- 16:30 - Harder's reduction theory for S-arithmetic groups over global function fields
- 16:30 - Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus: Wonderful Virus – Dreadful Disease
- 16:30 - Online Expectation-Maximisation
- 17:00 - Living With History
- 17:30 - ‘We were film-minded’: Media-ting the London Blitz in the fiction of William Sansom, Henry Green and Patrick Hamilton
- 18:00 - Objects of History: with Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum
- 19:00 - Ecuador, birds, bugs and butterflies
- 19:30 - Art Of the State | Kanal (Canal) by Andrej Wajda (Poland 1959)
- 19:30 - Are my genes to blame when my jeans don’t fit?