University of Cambridge > > Horizon Forum > The Functional Structures of Biological Surfaces

The Functional Structures of Biological Surfaces

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  • UserSpeaker to be confirmed
  • ClockFriday 05 October 2007, 10:30-17:30
  • HouseBotanic Gardens.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact ark20.

A Horizon Forum on The Functional Structures of Biological Surfaces is being held at the University Botanic Gardens on Friday 5th October, to showcase the breadth of research in this area in Cambridge, with an outstanding line-up of local and external speakers. Talks will attempt to provide answers to the following questions:

How is functionality conferred by the underlying surface of biological structures? What is the structural basis of properties such as adhesiveness, colour determination, iridescence and water repellence? What are the potential industrial applications for research in these areas?

Speakers include: Dr Walter Federle, Department of Zoology: Walking on the ceiling: biomechanics of surface adhesion in insects Dr Michele Oyen, Department of Engineering: Nanomechanical probe techniques for biological surface characterization Professor Ullrich Steiner, Department of Physics Dr Heather Whitney, Department of Plant Sciences: Floral surface structures controlling iridescence, wettability, and pollinator behaviour Professor Andrew Parker, University of Oxford and the Natural History Museum: Biomimetics of photonic nanostructures Dr Fiona Meldrum, University of Exeter: Iridescent beetles: nature’s twist on cholesteric liquid crystals

There will also be an opportunity to tour the research facilities at the Botanic Gardens. Registration commences at 10:30am, and the talks will start at 10:50am. The day concludes with a drinks reception in the Gardens.

Attendance is free to members of the Cambridge research community and invited guests. For further information, and to register an interest in attending, please e-mail and please type ‘Functional Structures’ in the subject line. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to colleagues you think may be interested. Note that attendance at this event is limited, and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

This talk is part of the Horizon Forum series.

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