University of Cambridge > > Innovation Forum > Epigenetic Innovation in Pharmacology

Epigenetic Innovation in Pharmacology

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Epigenetics is the next frontier of genome science. Put simply: a change of phenotype without change in genotype; look at it more closely, and it opens a myriad of new avenues for research from evolutionary biology through physiology to pharmacology. But how far have we gone in our understanding of basic epigenetic processes and is epigenetics ready yet to revolutionise medicine?

On November 24th, the Innovation Forum will present “Epigenetic Innovation in Pharmacology”, an event exploring the newest findings in the field of epigenetics, their potential, and the road to their successful application

An evening event including talks, a panel discussion, startup pitches, and a networking session.

Keynote speakers:

Geoff Smith PhD, CEO of Cambridge Epigenetix (CEGX) Will West, Executive Chairman & Board Member at CellCentric

Professor Wolf Reik, Associate director of the Babraham Institute, Cambridge University

Dr Nessa Carey, International Director, Praxisunico

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This talk is part of the Innovation Forum series.

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