University of Cambridge > > MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Seminars > Between life and death: A dual function for the mitochondrial F-ATP synthase

Between life and death: A dual function for the mitochondrial F-ATP synthase

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Penny Peck.

The permeability transition (PT) denotes a calcium-dependent permeability increase of the inner membrane of mitochondria to solutes with molecular masses up to about 1,500 Da. It is mediated by a channel, the permeability transition pore (PTP), whose nature remained a mystery for 60 years. We have recently shown that under conditions of oxidative stress the F-ATP synthases of mammals, yeast and drosophila can be turned into calcium-activated channels whose electrophysiological properties match those of the corresponding PTPs. I will discuss channel formation by F-ATP synthases and report on the identification, optimization and testing of novel high-affinity inhibitors.

This talk is part of the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Seminars series.

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