Multilevel Analysis: Application in Large Scale Assessments
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Luning Sun.
The use of Multilevel Modelling has increased over the last few years as it has a number of benefits when compared with classical techniques, such as ANOVA and linear regression. One of the main advantages of its use is that it takes into account the hierarchical data structure in which one unit (level) is nested within the other units (levels). When different levels are considered in the estimation of the outcome variable, the explained variance can be accounted for by the variation between groups, and not only by the set of variables assigned to the same level. Many areas have been using Multilevel Modelling to meet their research goals, but its main application is still in Education, especially in the field of Educational Assessment. This talk presents an introduction to Multilevel Modelling and brings an example of how this technique can be applied to investigate achievement on large-scale assessments.
This talk is part of the Cambridge Psychometrics Centre Seminars series.
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