University of Cambridge > > Structural Materials Seminar Series > Anisotropy, designing of the texture and mechanical properties of metal alloys

Anisotropy, designing of the texture and mechanical properties of metal alloys

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Sandra Korte.

The anisotropy of traditional industrial alloys is an inevitable feature as a consequence of solidification and of the applied plastic deformation. The mechanical anisotropy can be evaluated through the measurements of Lankford coefficients and by the FLD (Forming Limit Diagram). The induction of specific anisotropy has not only detrimental effect, although a lot of engineers always work under the hypothesis of isotropy. Actually, the anisotropy can be exploited to satisfy particular requirements (yield strength, elongation, resistance against thinning etc.) along specific directions that are particularly interesting or critical for the final application. The anisotropy is a direct consequence of the as cast columnar structure or of the rotation induced during plastic deformation of the crystal lattice. The induced crystallographic textures can be pointed out by Inverse Polar Diagram, Polar Diagrams and representation of the Orientation Distribution Function. Examples of different crystallographic textures and of the associated mechanical features will be presented for steels, duplex stainless steels, aluminium alloy α-β aluminium alloy.

This talk is part of the Structural Materials Seminar Series series.

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