Fins and Fur: The Impact of the WTO Upon Animal Welfare Regulation
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Anthony Podberscek.
The impact of international trade measures – such as those promulgated by the WTO and the EU - upon domestic attempts to promote animal welfare either entirely within a country’s borders or as a consideration when regulating the flow of animals and animal related products across national boundaries, is often imperfectly understood and appreciated. The animal welfare/rights community tends to focus their attention elsewhere than on trade issues, and international economic specialists often fail to fully grasp the complexity and breadth of the issues raised by animal advocates. Although still a work in progress, this presentation will reflect upon how the formalistic approach that characterizes much of international economic law influences the ability of sovereign nations to regulate animal welfare.
This talk is part of the Centre for Animal Welfare & Anthrozoology Seminars series.
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