University of Cambridge > > Lennard-Jones Centre > Rapid Exploration of Crystal Chemical Space

Rapid Exploration of Crystal Chemical Space

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Kang Wang.

Traditional materials modelling workflows, even in the form of high-throughput approaches, are limited to small numbers of compositions and structures. I will present progress in materials informatics solutions for navigating a larger crystal chemical space. This includes techniques for compositional screening based on elemental features and mapping from chemical formulae to three-dimensional crystal structures. A focus will be placed on hand-built chemical filters to reduce the magnitude of the search space and filters that are learned from data in the form of deep learning models based on crystal graphs. The performance of data-driven and domain knowledge-inspired approaches will be compared. Outstanding challenges in the field including robust synthesisability metrics and generative artificial intelligence models for sampling new materials will also be discussed.

This talk is part of the Lennard-Jones Centre series.

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