University of Cambridge > > Making connections- brains and other complex systems > Multiscale Organization of Neuronal Activity Unifies Scale-Dependent Theories of Brain Function

Multiscale Organization of Neuronal Activity Unifies Scale-Dependent Theories of Brain Function

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  • UserDr Mac Shine, University of Sydney
  • ClockThursday 01 May 2025, 10:00-11:00
  • HouseOnline.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Sarah Morgan.

Analysis of cellular recordings from five phylogenetically diverse species uncovers a conserved, multiscale organization of neuronal activity that resolves disparate theories of brain function. This hierarchical structure allows the brain to operate across multiple timescales, enhances information flow, flexibly reconfigures activity during behavior, and balances functional resiliency with efficiency across scales.

This talk is part of the Making connections- brains and other complex systems series.

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