University of Cambridge > > Kavli Institute for Cosmology Seminars > Beyond Gauss? A more accurate model for LISA astrophysical noise source

Beyond Gauss? A more accurate model for LISA astrophysical noise source

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steven Brereton.

KICC Special Seminar

In this talk, I explore two assumptions ubiquitous in LISA data analysis: Gaussianity and stationarity of astrophysical noise sources (i.e. arising from source confusion). I will provide an overview on detection and parameter estimations techniques for both properties. I will review the most recent findings on the Galactic population of double white dwarfs and the extragalactic one of extreme mass-ratio inspirals. Employing a suite of advanced statistical techniques, we aim to enhance our understanding of the noise properties and improve the overall data modeling process, a core element of any global fit.

This talk is part of the Kavli Institute for Cosmology Seminars series.

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