University of Cambridge > > Later European Pehistory Group (LEPG) > Overview of the territory of Vetulonia during the Etruscan period: from 9th to 4th century B.C.

Overview of the territory of Vetulonia during the Etruscan period: from 9th to 4th century B.C.

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jinoh Kim.

Vetulonia, one of the main cities of ancient Etruria, has attracted archaeologists’ interest since the 1800s. However, its territory also represents an important source of information that allows us to reconstruct what happened in the area surrounding the main city, in a continuous reciprocal relationship. In fact, the occupation and exploitation of peripheral areas facilitated the rapid development of Vetulonia. The talk will aim to trace the events affecting secondary settlements, from the first Etruscan evidence to the 4th century B.C., using material culture as the basis for investigation, in combination with the distribution of sites and their economic function.

This talk is part of the Later European Pehistory Group (LEPG) series.

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