University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Acoustic scattering by coaxial cylinders with lined walls.

Acoustic scattering by coaxial cylinders with lined walls.

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WHTW02 - WHT Follow on: the applications, generalisation and implementation of the Wiener-Hopf Method

We (Ben Veitch & Nigel Peake) consider  the  noise  radiated  by two semi-infinite  coaxial circular  cylinders carrying (different) uniform axial  mean flows. The exit planes  are staggered axially by a  finite distance, and the inner cylinder is either buried upstream or protrudes downstream.  In earlier work (B. Veitch & N. Peake 2008, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 613, 275—307) we solved the problem with rigid walls,  and we  now  extend this  work to allow for the presence of sound-attenuating   acoustic liners (specifically by lining the outer wall of the inner cylinder). The  key step in the solution is the factorisation of a 3×3 Wiener-Hopf matrix, and different methods for completing this   factorisation are required in the  buried and protruding cases, and specificlly in the protruding case  Pade approximants are required . We present  results  for the  far-field scattered  sound which demonstrate the effects of  wall lining in a  range of cases. 

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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