University of Cambridge > > Galaxies Discussion Group > The Extremes of Resolved Stellar Spectroscopy

The Extremes of Resolved Stellar Spectroscopy

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Sandro Tacchella.

The study of local star clusters and galaxies with existing spectroscopic instruments and techniques has reached the point of diminishing returns. Breakthroughs require new instruments or innovation in spectral analysis. I will describe the measurement of radial velocities and abundances of individual stars at the threshold of spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. First, I will address measurements from Keck/DEIMOS and KCWI . I will discuss the “backsplash” galaxy Andromeda XVIII (at 1.33 Mpc!), neutron-capture abundances in Milky Way satellites, and the “fundamental” stellar mass-stellar metallicity relation of low-mass field galaxies. New spectrograph innovations, like the upgrade to DEIMOS and the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph, will lead stellar spectroscopy into the future.

This talk is part of the Galaxies Discussion Group series.

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