University of Cambridge > > Department of Pharmacology Seminar Series > Molecular insights into GABA-A receptor pharmacology

Molecular insights into GABA-A receptor pharmacology

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Daniel Paolo Juan.

Dr Paul Miller

University of Cambridge, Department of Pharmacology


Paul did his PhD and a postdoc with Professor Trevor G Smart at University College London, where he applied electrophysiological and pharmacological approaches to link structure and function for, principally, glycine receptors. Subsequently, from 2010, Paul attained a Wellcome Trust OXION postdoctoral fellowship, in the Division of Structural Biology at University of Oxford, where he established methodologies for the production of membrane proteins within the department. Paul used these techniques to solve structures of GABAA Rs and for the production of antibodies with novel pharmacology and high selectivity. He joined the Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge as a lecturer in 2018 to advance antibody pharmacology of ion channels, and has received funding from AMS , BBSRC, Wellcome, Rosetrees Trust, and a range of industry support.

Venue: Level 2 Seminar Room.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 863 2117 5549

Passcode: 168608

This talk is part of the Department of Pharmacology Seminar Series series.

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