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I’m interested in all aspects of health information system security. My research concerns clinical health informatics, bioinformatic data exchange standards and information security. I’ve developed a particular emphasis on e-health tools and their contribution to workflow methodologies in the health sector.

A member of the Mobile Health Research Group), I work very closely with colleagues at Information Technology.

Useful sources of information on health information security and privacy are widely scattered. The web page published by the Australian Privacy Foundation (APF) is a notable exception. I chair the Health Sub Committee and love the work I do with them.

My professional memberships include the Australian College of Health Informatics (ACHI) , the Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) and the Australian Health Informatics Education Council (AHIEC).

I am the Academic Convenor, the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science, Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences at Monash University. Academic oversight of students enrolled for a BMedSc(Hons)degree is challenging but fun and I’m fascinated by the research programs on which they work.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Opera Group Seminars series.

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