University of Cambridge > > Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars > Turbulent boundary layers and the quest for high Reynolds numbers

Turbulent boundary layers and the quest for high Reynolds numbers

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The talk will include a presentation of fluid mechanics and related research at KTH , which is both fundamental and applied in nature. An example of the latter is the research within the CICERO Centre, which deals with the gas management of internal combustion engines. The second part of the talk will deal with high-Reynolds-number turbulent wall-bounded flows, describing some considerations that have to be taken into account in order to conduct ‘good’ high-Reynolds-number experiments. These considerations will be exemplified with a new high-Reynolds-number facility presently being built in Italy (CICLoPE). A major international collaboration will also be described, where turbulent boundary-layer measurements taken in wind tunnels on three different continents have been made by multiple research groups. The purpose of these experiments is to elucidate the accuracy that can be obtained by different groups and how accurately different wind tunnels can reproduce the same flow field.

This talk is part of the Engineering Department Energy, Fluids and Thermo seminars series.

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