University of Cambridge > > Wolfson College Humanities Society talks > Re-membering Philologia: the past, present and future of an academic practice

Re-membering Philologia: the past, present and future of an academic practice

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  • UserProfessor Sylvia Adamson (Emeritus Professor of Linguistics & Literary History, University of Sheffield)
  • ClockTuesday 13 November 2018, 17:45-19:15
  • HouseGatsby Room, Wolfson College.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Rachel E. Holmes.

Philology arrived in English as the name of a goddess; by 1911 it had become a synonym for ‘dry-as-dust’ linguistic pedantry and was explicitly excluded from the remit of Cambridge’s newly-established Professorship in English. In the present century, philology has found new champions on both sides of the Atlantic. But can philological practice bridge the gap between the prevailing paradigms in historical linguistics and (literary) history?

This talk is part of the Wolfson College Humanities Society talks series.

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