University of Cambridge > > Babraham Seminar > Precision metagenomic analysis in personalised medicine and birth cohort studies

Precision metagenomic analysis in personalised medicine and birth cohort studies

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Studies at the Human Microbiota Interactions lab have addressed key bottlenecks in high resolution strain profiling and functional validation of the gut microbiota through the development of reference genome-based analysis approach that vastly increases the precision and efficiency of metagenomic analysis. Our approach is underpinned by mass isolation of bacteria and generation of a large reference genome sequence database. We call this approach “Precision Metagenomics”. Precision metagenomics underpins studies in HMIL and the Wellcome Sanger Institute spinout company Microbiotica, which has industrialised the platform and is using it for biomarker and therapeutic discovery. The platform and its application will be discussed in the context of a major UK Baby Cohort study aiming to find correlates between early life microbiota development and long-term health and disease.

This talk is part of the Babraham Seminar series.

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