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A personal list of talks.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Dr Eric Gamazon. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

99 upcoming talks and 12421 talks in the archive: show first 500.

RSE Seminars

Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs

Note change of venue

UserDavid Keyes, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

HouseInstitute for Energy and Environmental Flows, CB3 0EZ.

ClockFriday 27 September 2024, 14:00-15:00

Seminars on Quantitative Biology @ CRUK Cambridge Institute

Quantitative Biology Seminar

**Seminar cancelled**

UserDr Mohammed Lotfollahi, Wellcome Sanger Institute.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 30 September 2024, 12:00-13:00

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Descendent correspondences for families

UserRahul Pandharipande, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich.

HouseCMS MR14.

ClockFriday 04 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Information Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserDr Thomas Karam, University of Oxford.

HouseMR11 (B1.39), CMS Pavilion B.

ClockWednesday 09 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Statistics Clinic

Statistics Clinic Michaelmas 2024 I

UserMR5 at the CMS.


ClockWednesday 09 October 2024, 16:30-18:00

RSE Seminars

In the age of the metaverse, metadata is even more important

UserChris Wood - EPCC.

HouseWest Hub, East 1.

ClockThursday 10 October 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

What can butterfly hybrid zones tell us about the genomic architecture of species barriers?

Host – Richard Durbin

UserDr Konrad Lohse from Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Edinburgh.

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics and Zoom.

ClockThursday 10 October 2024, 14:00-15:00


Title to be confirmed

UserXinwei Shen (ETH Zurich).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR12, CMS.

ClockFriday 11 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Diagnostics Without Frontiers: A Regenerable Supply Chain For PCR In Low Resource Countries

UserProfessor Lisa Hall FRS CBE, Professor of Analytical Biotechnology, Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 14 October 2024, 18:00-19:00

MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars

BSU Seminar: "Bayesian latent multi-state modelling for longitudinal health trajectories"

This will be a free hybrid seminar. To register to attend virtually, please click here:

UserYu Luo, Kings College London.

HouseMRC Biostatistics Unit, East Forvie Building, Forvie Site Robinson Way Cambridge CB2 0SR..

ClockTuesday 15 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Number Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserRuiqi Bai (Cambridge).


ClockTuesday 15 October 2024, 14:30-15:30

Information Theory Seminar

Structural, Temporal and Semantic Information

UserProf. Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue University.

HouseMR5, CMS Pavilion A.

ClockWednesday 16 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserAilsa Keating (Cambridge).


ClockWednesday 16 October 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

Seminars in Cancer

UserDr Karen Crasta, National University of Singapore.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 17 October 2024, 13:00-14:00

MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars

BSU Seminar: "Graphical and summary diagnostics for node level adequacy in Bayesian hierarchical models"

This will be a free hybrid seminar. To register to attend virtually, please click here:

UserIda Scheel, University of Oslo.

HouseMRC Biostatistics Unit, East Forvie Building, Forvie Site Robinson Way Cambridge CB2 0SR..

ClockTuesday 22 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserMartin Ortiz (LSGNT).


ClockTuesday 22 October 2024, 14:30-15:30

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserRuadhaí Dervan, University of Glasgow.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockWednesday 23 October 2024, 14:15-15:15

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserYang Li (Cambridge).


ClockWednesday 23 October 2024, 16:00-17:00

RSE Seminars

An AI tool for Dementia.

UserSimon Clifford - RCS, University of Cambridge.

HouseRayleigh Seminar Room, Maxwell Centre, West Cambridge.

ClockThursday 24 October 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Host-pathogen interactions in the diseased lung

Host – Kate Baker

UserDr Josie Bryant from Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge .

HousePart II room, Department of Genetics and Zoom.

ClockThursday 24 October 2024, 14:00-15:00


Valid Heteroskedasticity Robust Testing

UserBenedikt Pötscher (University of Vienna).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR12, CMS.

ClockFriday 25 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserTim Browning (IST Austria).


ClockTuesday 29 October 2024, 14:30-15:30

Information Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserGergely Flamich, University of Cambridge.

HouseMR5, CMS Pavilion A.

ClockWednesday 30 October 2024, 14:00-15:00

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserInder Kaur, Glasgow.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockWednesday 30 October 2024, 14:15-15:15

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Building non-positive curved spaces with tropical data

UserJeff Hicks (Edinburgh).


ClockWednesday 30 October 2024, 16:00-17:00

Rollo Davidson Lectures

Title to be confirmed

UserAllan Sly (Princeton).

HouseMR2, CMS, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB.

ClockMonday 04 November 2024, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group (CSDG)

Title to be confirmed

UserMihaela van der Schaar, Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine.

HouseStatistical Laboratory, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.

ClockMonday 04 November 2024, 19:00-21:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserAdam Morgan (Cambridge).


ClockTuesday 05 November 2024, 14:30-15:30

Information Theory Seminar

Symmetrized KL information: Channel Capacity and Learning Theory

UserDr Gholamali Aminian, Alan Turing Institute.

HouseMR5, CMS Pavilion A.

ClockWednesday 06 November 2024, 14:00-15:00

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserAmanda Hirschi (Sorbonne).


ClockWednesday 06 November 2024, 16:00-17:00

Genetics Seminar

How the double helix was really discovered, and what Rosalind Franklin thought about it

Host – Frank Jiggins

UserProfessor Matthew Cobb from University of Manchester .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 07 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

RSE Seminars

Title to be confirmed

UserMozhgan Chimeh.

HouseRayleigh Seminar Room, Maxwell Centre, West Cambridge.

ClockThursday 07 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

A V HILL LECTURE Pain: Why does it exist, how does it work and how can we more effectively treat it?

UserProfessor Ewan St John Smith, Professor of Nociception, Deputy Head of Department, Department of Pharmacology.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 11 November 2024, 18:00-19:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserJulian Demeio (Bath).


ClockTuesday 12 November 2024, 14:30-15:30

Information Theory Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserDr Justin Coon, University of Oxford.

HouseMR5, CMS Pavilion A.

ClockWednesday 13 November 2024, 14:00-15:00

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserAlessio Cela, University of Cambridge.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockWednesday 13 November 2024, 14:15-15:15

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserRobin Stoll (Cambridge).


ClockWednesday 13 November 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

Seminars in Cancer

**Seminar cancelled** to be rescheduled in 2025

UserAndrea Sottoriva, ICR and Human Technopole, Milan.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host – John Welch

UserDr Laura Ross from Institute of Evolutionary Biology, The University of Edinburgh .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

Seminars in Cancer

UserProfessor KJ Patel, Director of the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit and MRC WIMM at the University of Oxford.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserMargherita Pagano (Imperial).


ClockTuesday 19 November 2024, 14:30-15:30

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserMirko Mauri, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockWednesday 20 November 2024, 14:15-15:15

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host – Alex Cagan

UserDr Mateja Hajdinjak from Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 21 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Signals from the beginning of the universe

UserProfessor Jo Dunkley OBE, Joseph Henry Professor of Physics and Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University.

HouseBristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry.

ClockMonday 25 November 2024, 18:00-19:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserTim Santens (Cambridge).


ClockTuesday 26 November 2024, 14:30-15:30

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserCalum Spicer, King's College London.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2024, 14:15-15:15

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserRobin Sroka (Münster).


ClockWednesday 27 November 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group (CSDG)

Title to be confirmed

UserPeter Treasure, Peter Treasure Statistical Services Ltd.

HouseAstraZeneca, City House, Hills Road Cambridge CB2 1RY.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2024, 19:15-21:30

Genetics Seminar

Developing AlphaFold 3: Biomolecular structure prediction with AI

Host - Michael Boemo

UserDr Kathryn Tunyasuvunakool from DeepMind, London .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre and Zoom.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

RSE Seminars

Moving mesh methods in Firedrake

UserJoe Wallwork - ICCS & RCS, University of Cambridge.

HouseRayleigh Seminar Room, Maxwell Centre, West Cambridge.

ClockThursday 28 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

MRC Biostatistics Unit Seminars

BSU Seminar: "Personalized Decision-Making for Infectious Disease Control: Causal Inference and Complex Dependence"

This will be a free hybrid seminar. To register to attend virtually, please click here:

UserIvana Malenica, Harvard University.

HouseMRC Biostatistics Unit, East Forvie Building, Forvie Site Robinson Way Cambridge CB2 0SR..

ClockTuesday 03 December 2024, 14:00-15:00

Number Theory Seminar


UserElvira Lupoian (UCL).


ClockTuesday 03 December 2024, 14:30-15:30

Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserMaxim Jeffs (Cambridge).


ClockWednesday 04 December 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Lectures in Cancer Biology and Medicine

Machine learning: applications to cancer

UserDr Mireia Crispin Ortuzar, Early Cancer Institute and Department of Oncology.

HouseTheo Chalmers Lecture Theatre (LT2) School of Clinical Medicine.

ClockThursday 05 December 2024, 09:30-10:30

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

Seminars in Cancer

UserProfessor Sam Aparicio, University of British Columbia.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 05 December 2024, 13:00-14:00

RSE Seminars

Building Fast and Maintainable Software for Multi-Scale Evo-Devo Simulations

UserPjotr van der Jagt and Steven Oud - The Sainsbury Laboratory and Dept. of Genetics.

HouseRayleigh Seminar Room, Maxwell Centre, West Cambridge.

ClockThursday 05 December 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

Seminars in Cancer

UserAssociate Professor Michael Hemann, PhD - MIT Centre for Precision Cancer Medicine.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockFriday 13 December 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Lectures in Cancer Biology and Medicine

Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer

UserProf Christian Frezza CECAD Research Center, University Hospital Cologne.

HouseOnline only via Zoom.

ClockThursday 19 December 2024, 09:30-10:30

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Lectures in Cancer Biology and Medicine

Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity

UserProfessor Brian Huntly, Department of Haematology & Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.

HouseOnline only via Zoom.

ClockThursday 09 January 2025, 09:30-10:30

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Lectures in Cancer Biology and Medicine

Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity

UserProfessor Brian Huntly, Department of Haematology & Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.

HouseTheo Chalmers Lecture Theatre (LT2) School of Clinical Medicine.

ClockThursday 09 January 2025, 09:30-10:30

Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Title to be confirmed

UserAndrea di Lorenzo, University of Pisa.

HouseCMS MR13.

ClockWednesday 22 January 2025, 14:15-15:15

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host - Cahir O'Kane

UserProfessor Sir Mark Caulfield, Vice Principal for Health, Queen Mary University of London and Director of the NIHR Barts Biomedical Research Centre.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre tbc and Zoom.

ClockThursday 23 January 2025, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host - Kate Baker

UserDr John Lees from EMBL – EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre tbc and Zoom.

ClockThursday 30 January 2025, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group (CSDG)

Title to be confirmed

UserLara Mani, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.

HouseVenue to be confirmed.

ClockMonday 03 February 2025, 19:00-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host - Erik Clark

UserDr Justin Crocker from EMBL Heidelberg .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre tbc and Zoom.

ClockThursday 06 February 2025, 14:00-15:00

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host - Ben Steventon

UserProfessor Lauren Saunders from Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University .

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre tbc and Zoom.

ClockThursday 13 February 2025, 14:00-15:00

Data Intensive Science Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed


HouseEast 1 room - West Hub.

ClockThursday 13 February 2025, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group (CSDG)

Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine

UserJames Grime, Institute of Continuing Education.

HouseVenue to be confirmed.

ClockMonday 03 March 2025, 19:00-21:00

Genetics Seminar

Title to be confirmed

Host - Aylwyn Scally

UserProfessor Rebecca Sear from Centre for Culture and Evolution, Brunel University.

HouseBiffen Lecture theatre tbc and Zoom.

ClockThursday 06 March 2025, 14:00-15:00

Peter Whittle Lecture

Title to be confirmed

UserRina Roygel Barber (Chicago).

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences MR2.

ClockThursday 13 March 2025, 16:00-17:00

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

Seminars in Cancer

**Please note new date for this seminar**

UserKairbaan Hodivala-Dilke, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

HouseCRUK CI Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 10 July 2025, 13:00-14:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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