University of Cambridge > >  INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE

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0 upcoming talks and 59 talks in the archive.

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Human Metamorphosis - An Interactive Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 28 January 2020, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Discovering your Mind’s Potential - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 21 January 2020, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Time is Short - Let's Get Ready: A Climate & Consciousness Event

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockSunday 19 January 2020, 14:30-17:30

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Clear your Emotional Clutter - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 14 January 2020, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Spirit of Play- An Evening Talk as part of the 'Quality of Life' Series

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 17 December 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Power of Meditation - An Evening Talk as part of the 'Quality of Life' Series

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 10 December 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Emotional Health - Evening Talk as part of the 'Quality of Life' Series

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 03 December 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Beautiful Mind Tuesday - An Interactive Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 01 October 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Healing the Subconscious - An Interactive Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 24 September 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Managing Mind and Emotions - An Interactive Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 17 September 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Being Ever Ready - An Interactive Talk - The Call of Time Series

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 30 July 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

What Actions Matter? - An Interactive Talk - The Call of Time Series

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 23 July 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Preparing for the Future - An Interactive Talk - The Call of Time Series

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 16 July 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Point of Life - An Afternoon Talk

UserJayanti Kirpalani, the European Director of the Brahma Kumaris.

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockSaturday 15 June 2019, 16:00-17:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Discoveries of Awakening - Breakthrough dialogues

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockFriday 14 June 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Science and Spirituality- Short Talks and Discussion

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockWednesday 12 June 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Science and Spirituality - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 21 May 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Science and Spirituality - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 14 May 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Healthy Society - 'Going into the Depths' - Series of Talks

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 26 February 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Healthy Mind - 'Going into the Depths' - Series of Talks

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 19 February 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Healthy Body - 'Going into the Depths' - Series of Talks

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 12 February 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

True Success - An Interactive Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 08 January 2019, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Conquering our weaknesses - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 20 November 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 13 November 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Understanding our Mind - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 06 November 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Science of Reincarnation

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 23 October 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Beautiful Mind

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 18 September 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Freedom from Waste Thoughts

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 11 September 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Universal Remedy - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 24 July 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Spiritual Intelligence - A Lunchtime Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockThursday 19 July 2018, 12:30-13:15

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Health and Wholeness - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 17 July 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Healthy Mind

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockThursday 12 July 2018, 12:30-13:15

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Mind and Wellbeing - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 10 July 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Understanding Relationships

UserIoana Goga, Software Engineer at Towers Watson .

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 26 June 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Unhelpful Habit of Being Judgemental

UserNeville Hodgkinson (A Medical and Science correspondent for the Sunday times in the past and the author of 'Will To Be Well').

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockSunday 24 June 2018, 15:00-16:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Mind the Gap

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 19 June 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Art of Self Care

UserJayanti Kirpalani - representative of Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations.

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockWednesday 30 May 2018, 12:30-13:15

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Success at all Levels - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 08 May 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

A Beautiful Mind - An Evening Talk

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 01 May 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

the Mind and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part 2

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 20 March 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Mind and the Sub-conscious Mind - Part 1

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 13 March 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

What You Don't Know About God

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 06 February 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

What You Don't Know About The Future

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 30 January 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

What You Don't Know About Karma

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 23 January 2018, 19:00-20:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

Wellbeing Initiative - A Three Part Seminar

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 23 January 2018, 10:30-12:00

Inner Space, The Meditation Centre

The Message of Pain

UserDr.Prashant Kakode ( is based in Cambridge and has a background in ENT and integrated health.Hi).

House INNER SPACE, The Meditation Centre, 6 KING’S PARADE CAMBRIDGE .

ClockTuesday 19 December 2017, 19:00-20:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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