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6 upcoming talks and 656 talks in the archive.

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Quantitative microbiome profiling in health and disease.

UserProf. Jeroen Raes, Vice director, VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology, Belgium.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockThursday 13 February 2025, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

‘Immunological memory of ILC2s’

UserItziar Martinez Gonzalez, Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockThursday 05 December 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

ZAPing viral RNAs: Targeted RNA degradation as an antiviral defence system

UserDr Chad Swanson,Reader in Viral RNA Biology, Department of Infectious Diseases, School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences, King College London.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockThursday 14 November 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Structure and Mechanisms of LINE-1 retrotransposons: an Emerging Cancer Target”

UserMarty Taylor, MD PhD Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Brown University.

HouseLecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 08 November 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Placental macrophages and how they fight Listeria monocytogenes infection.

UserDr Naomi McGovern, Department of Pathology & Centre for Trophoblast Research, Cambridge.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockThursday 03 October 2024, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Scientific publishing at JEM: What, How and Why”

UserDr. Gaia Trincucci, Deputy Editor at Journal of Experimental Medicine, Rockefeller University Press.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 19 July 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Genetics and Environment Induce Loss of FoxP3+ Regulatory T cell Function in Autoimmunity

UserDavid A. Hafler, M.D. Edgerly Professor of Neurology and Immunobiology, Chairman, Department of Neurology, Yale School of Medicine.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 21 June 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“The Spliceosome in Health and Disease”

UserDaniel R. Larson, Ph.D., Head of Systems Biology of Gene Expression, Co-Chair Trans-NIH Myeloid Malignancies Program, NCI Centre for Cancer Research .

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockTuesday 18 June 2024, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

STING and inflammatory disease: insights from monogenic conditions

UserDr Karen Mackenzie, MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow and Honorary Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Institute for Regeneration and Repair, Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 24 May 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The kinetic-segregation model of immune receptor signalling.

UserProfessor Simon Davis, MRC Translational Immune Discovery Unit, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 10 May 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Molecular Mechanism of T-cell Exhaustion

UserProfessor John Wherry, Director, Institute for Immunology, University of Pennsylvania.

HouseMax Perutz Lecture Theatre, MRC LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge CB2 0QH .

ClockWednesday 24 April 2024, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Transposon escape points to function in somatic cells?

UserProfessor Geoff Faulkner, Professorial Research Fellow at Mater Research and Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), University of Queensland, Australia.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 12 April 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Empowering T Cell Therapy through Stemness and Mitochondria

UserLuca Gattinoni, Division of Functional Immune Cell Modulation, Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy (LIT), Regensburg, Germany.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 08 March 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mechanisms controlling gene expression in hypoxia and inflammation

UserProfessor Sonia Rocha, Executive Dean of the Institute of Systems Molecular and Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 16 February 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

ILC2 regulation of tissue-localised immunity... and beyond

UserDr. Andrew McKenzie, Head of Division & Group Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 19 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Neuroimmune signalling at and across brain borders regulating neuronal fate

UserDr Soyon Hong, Programme lead - UK Dementia Research Institute, University College London.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 12 January 2024, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Regulation of natural killer cell activity in solid tumours

UserAndreas Lundqvist, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet Sweden.

House Lecture Theatre, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockMonday 11 December 2023, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

CD4+ T cell memory during type 1 immune response

Professor Marc Jenkins, University of Minnesota. Hosted by Dr Antonio Pagan-Velez.

UserProfessor Marc Jenkins, University of Minnesota. Hosted by Dr Antonio Pagan-Velez..

HouseThis talk will happen virtually via Zoom (due to speaker location).

ClockFriday 09 December 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

How Salmonella reprogrammes a host kinase to drive macrophage polarisation

Dr Teresa Thurston, Imperial College London. Hosted by Professor Felix Randow

UserDr Teresa Thurston, Imperial College London. Hosted by Professor Felix Randow.

HouseMeeting in person, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 25 November 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Team with Microbes: Lessons from the Zebrafish Digestive Tract

Professor Karen Guillemin, University of Oregon. Hosted by Professor Lalita Ramakrishnan.

UserProfessor Karen Guillemin, University of Oregon. Hosted by Professor Lalita Ramakrishnan..

HouseIn person meetings, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 28 October 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Adventures in Inflammation Research

Prof Luke O'Neill, Trinity College Dublin. Hosted by Prof Clare Bryant

UserProf Luke O'Neill, Trinity College Dublin. Hosted by Prof Clare Bryant.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 21 October 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cell death and decision making in macrophages during inflammation

Associate Professor Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic, Kennedy Institute, Oxford. Hosted by Professor Felix Randow

UserAssociate Professor Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic, Kennedy Institute, Oxford. Hosted by Professor Felix Randow.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 07 October 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunotherapy: A piece of the puzzle for treating brain cancer

Associate Professor Misty Jenkins, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne. Hosted by Prof Gillian Griffiths

UserAssociate Professor Misty Jenkins, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne. Hosted by Prof Gillian Griffiths.

HouseCRUK Cambridge Institute lecture theatre, Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE.

ClockFriday 09 September 2022, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Of novel MAMPs and DAMPs: Discovery of novel inflammatory pathways mediated by innate immunity

Prof Alex Weber, University of Tübingen, Germany. Hosted by Prof Felix Randow

UserProf Alex Weber, University of Tübingen, Germany. Hosted by Prof Felix Randow.

HouseSanger Seminar Room, Level 3, LMB.

ClockMonday 05 September 2022, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

naRNA is a canonical neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) component and novel inflammation-amplifying composite DAMP

Prof Alex Weber, University of Tübingen, Germany. Hosted by Prof Nick Gay

UserProf Alex Weber, University of Tübingen, Germany. Hosted by Prof Nick Gay.

HouseSeminar Room, Sanger Building, 80, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge, CB2 1GA.

ClockWednesday 17 August 2022, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Location matters: the complosome and cell physiology in health and disease

Professor Claudia Kemper, NIH/NHLBI, Bethesda MD. Hosted by Professor Menna Clatworthy

UserProfessor Claudia Kemper, NIH/NHLBI, Bethesda MD. Hosted by Professor Menna Clatworthy.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 29 July 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mechanisms underlying host-microbiota relationships in the vertebrate intestine

Prof John Rawls, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Hosted by Prof Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserProf John Rawls, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Hosted by Prof Lalita Ramakrishnan.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 15 July 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Capsid and the inhibition of retroviral replication

Prof Jonathan Stoye, The Francis Crick, London. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner

UserProf Jonathan Stoye, The Francis Crick, London. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 08 July 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunity to acute and persistent virus infections with aging

Prof Janko Nikolich- Žugich, University of Arizona. Hosted by Dr Mark Wills

UserProf Janko Nikolich- Žugich, University of Arizona. Hosted by Dr Mark Wills.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 17 June 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Leukocyte dynamics in lung metastasis

Dr Leo Carlin, University of Glasgow. Hosted by Dr Maike De La Roche

UserDr Leo Carlin, University of Glasgow. Hosted by Dr Maike De La Roche.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 10 June 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Into Thin Air: the Hypoxia / Inflammation axis

Prof Cormac Taylor, University College Dublin. Hosted by Prof James Nathan

UserProf Cormac Taylor, University College Dublin. Hosted by Prof James Nathan.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 20 May 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Understanding alloreactive T cell targeting of leukaemia for therapeutic application

Prof Paresh Vyas, Professor of Haematology, University of Oxford. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner

UserProf Paresh Vyas, Professor of Haematology, University of Oxford. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 13 May 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Lung epithelia under attack: Infections, Interferon, Inflammation

Prof Andreas Wack, The Francis Crick Institute. Hosted by Prof James Nathan

UserProf Andreas Wack, The Francis Crick Institute. Hosted by Prof James Nathan.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 06 May 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Leveraging early life immunity to end pandemics

Prof Sallie Permar, Dept of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine. Hosted by Dr Sarah Caddy

UserProf Sallie Permar, Dept of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine. Hosted by Dr Sarah Caddy.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 29 April 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Coordination of Transcription and Repair during the DNA damage response

Dr Ana Tufegdzic Vidakovic, MRC-LMB, Cambridge. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner

UserDr Ana Tufegdzic Vidakovic, MRC-LMB, Cambridge. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 11 March 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mycobacterial virulence vs. macrophage metabolism in the TB granuloma

Dr Antonio Pagán, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Prof Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserDr Antonio Pagán, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Prof Lalita Ramakrishnan.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 25 February 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Myeloid Cell Dynamics in Type 2 immunity: insights from tissue-dwelling nematodes

Prof Judi Allen, University of Manchester. Hosted by Dr Rahul Roychoudhuri

UserProf Judi Allen, University of Manchester. Hosted by Dr Rahul Roychoudhuri.

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 18 February 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Neural stem cells encounters with immunity in the adult brain

Prof Isabel Fariñas, University of Valencia. Hosted by Dr Alexandra Nicaise

UserProf Isabel Fariñas, University of Valencia. Hosted by Dr Alexandra Nicaise.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 11 February 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

A MAIT cell journey, from Salmonella to COVID

Dr Mariolina Salio, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford. Hosted by Prof Gillian Griffiths

UserDr Mariolina Salio, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford. Hosted by Prof Gillian Griffiths.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 04 February 2022, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Necrophagia, DaNGeRous indigestion and immunity to cancer

Prof Caetano Reis e Sousa, The Francis Crick Institute, London. Hosted by Prof Yorgo Modis

UserProf Caetano Reis e Sousa, The Francis Crick Institute, London. Hosted by Prof Yorgo Modis.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 28 January 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

How cells defend their cytosol against bacteria: Ubiquitylation of LPS and other tricks

Prof Felix Randow, MRC-LMB, Cambridge. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner

UserProf Felix Randow, MRC-LMB, Cambridge. Hosted by Prof Paul Lehner.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 21 January 2022, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Fast runners and lazy couch potatoes – the spectrum of migrating immune cells

Dr Tim Lämmermann, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics Freiburg, Germany. Hosted by Prof Menna Clatworthy.

UserDr Tim Lämmermann, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics Freiburg, Germany. Hosted by Prof Menna Clatworthy..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 10 December 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Connecting myeloid cell metabolism and function

Dr David Sancho, The National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), Madrid. Hosted by Dr Patrycja Kozik.

UserDr David Sancho, The National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), Madrid. Hosted by Dr Patrycja Kozik..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 03 December 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Multi-omics analysis of in vivo human immune response to malaria

Assistant Professor Youssef Idaghdour, New York University Abu Dhabi. Hosted by Dr Bidesh Mahata.

UserAssistant Professor Youssef Idaghdour, New York University Abu Dhabi. Hosted by Dr Bidesh Mahata..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 26 November 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Functional heterogeneity of tissue-resident lymphocytes

Professor Laura Mackay, The University of Melbourne. Hosted by Dr Raquel Bartolomé Casado. Due to speaker location please note different time.

UserProfessor Laura Mackay, The University of Melbourne. Hosted by Dr Raquel Bartolomé Casado..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 19 November 2021, 09:00-10:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

PI3Kd coordinates transcriptional, epigenetic and metabolic changes to promote effector CD8+ T cells at the expense of central memory

Due to speaker location - please note different time.

UserDr Jennifer Cannons, NIH/NIAID, Bethesda MD. Hosted by Professor Klaus Okkenhaug..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 12 November 2021, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mitochondrial translation is required for sustained killing by cytotoxic T cells

Professor Gillian Griffiths, Cambridge Institute of Medical Research. Hosted by Professor Arthur Kaser.

UserProfessor Gillian Griffiths, Cambridge Institute of Medical Research. Hosted by Professor Arthur Kaser..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 29 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Targeting T cell ion transport to advance cancer immunotherapy

Robert Eil, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri.

UserRobert Eil, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 15 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

An essential role for interferon epsilon in gonococcal infection

Doug Golenbock, University of Massachusetts. Hosted by Clare Bryant.

UserDoug Golenbock, University of Massachusetts. Hosted by Clare Bryant..

HouseHybrid meeting, Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre Lecture Theatre and Via Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 01 October 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The smallest unit: Deciphering adaptive immune responses by fate mapping of single lymphocytes

Veit Buchholz, Technical University Munich. Hosted by Arianne Richard.

UserVeit Buchholz, Technical University Munich. Hosted by Arianne Richard..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 24 September 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Role of astrocytes in the control of CNS inflammation

Francisco Quintana, Harvard Medical School. Hosted by Stefano Pluchino.

UserFrancisco Quintana, Harvard Medical School. Hosted by Stefano Pluchino..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 09 July 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

2A or not 2A?: Structural insights into a new viral gene expression switch

Chris Hill, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Paul Lehner.

UserChris Hill, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Paul Lehner..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 02 July 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

CTLA-4-mediated control of follicular helper T cells and autoimmunity

Lucy Walker, University College London. Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri.

UserLucy Walker, University College London. Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 25 June 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

NLRP3 inflammasome activation in neurodegenerative disease

Michael Heneka Univ. of Bonn DZNE. Hosted by Clare Bryant.

UserMichael Heneka Univ. of Bonn DZNE. Hosted by Clare Bryant..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 18 June 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Role of the IgE-FceRI axis in cancer immune-surveillance

Jessica Strid, Imperial College London. Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri.

UserJessica Strid, Imperial College London. Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 11 June 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Antibody Mediated Protection Against SARS-CoV-2 If we have it, will it last?

Michael Diamond, Washington University in St. Louis. Hosted by Yorgo Modis.

UserMichael Diamond, Washington University in St. Louis. Hosted by Yorgo Modis..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 04 June 2021, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

AMR surveillance for public health

Dr Veeraraghavan Balaji, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja.

UserDr Veeraraghavan Balaji, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 28 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

An ancient immunoreceptor educates maternal natural killer cells to optimise reproduction

Francesco Colucci, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Andrew Sharkey.

UserFrancesco Colucci, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Andrew Sharkey..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 21 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Global studies of the host-pathogen interface using physical and genetic interaction mapping

David Gordon , University of California San Francisco. Hosted by Paul Lehner.

UserDavid Gordon , University of California San Francisco. Hosted by Paul Lehner..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 14 May 2021, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Visualizing Myddosome assembly and the induction of IL-1 receptor signalling

Marcus Taylor, MPIIB Berlin. Hosted by Gillian Griffiths.

UserMarcus Taylor, MPIIB Berlin. Hosted by Gillian Griffiths..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 07 May 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Membrane-cytoskeleton mechanical crosstalk during phagocytosis

Nils Gauthier, IFOM, Milano. Hosted by Gillian Griffiths.

UserNils Gauthier, IFOM, Milano. Hosted by Gillian Griffiths..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 30 April 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Development and maintenance of human tissue immune responses

Donna Farber, Columbia University Medical Center. Hosted by Cecilia Dominguez Conde.

UserDonna Farber, Columbia University Medical Center. Hosted by Cecilia Dominguez Conde..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 23 April 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Understanding the CD28-CTLA-4 pathway from a ligand perspective

David Sansom, UCL Institute of Immunity and Transplantation. Hosted by Gosia Trynka.

UserDavid Sansom, UCL Institute of Immunity and Transplantation. Hosted by Gosia Trynka..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 16 April 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Non-canonical cross-presentation: what is it and when does it work?”

Julie Magarian Blander, Cornell University. Hosted by Patrycja Kozik.

UserJulie Magarian Blander, Cornell University. Hosted by Patrycja Kozik. .

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 26 March 2021, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Environment control of T cell function

Doreen Cantrell, University of Dundee. Hosted by Cecilia Dominguez Conde.

UserDoreen Cantrell, University of Dundee. Hosted by Cecilia Dominguez Conde..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 19 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T cell metabolism in aging and age-related diseases

María Mittelbrunn, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Hosted by Meritxell Nus.

UserMaría Mittelbrunn, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Hosted by Meritxell Nus..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 12 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Regulating the regulators: controlling transcription factor and chromatin modifier function during cell differentiation

Richard Jenner, University College London. Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri.

UserRichard Jenner, University College London. Hosted by Rahul Roychoudhuri..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 05 March 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Accelerating vaccine development: from COVID-19 to the future

Alexander (Sandy) Douglas, University of Oxford. Hosted by Gavin Wright.

UserAlexander (Sandy) Douglas, University of Oxford. Hosted by Gavin Wright..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 26 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Innovations to Tackle COVID19 Pandemic in South Asia

Mohammad Nowroz Haqma, University of London. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja.

UserMohammad Nowroz Haqma, University of London. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 19 February 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The role of microbes and microbial metabolites in regulation of host responsiveness

Kathy McCoy, University of Calgary. Hosted by Katharina Ramshorn.

UserKathy McCoy, University of Calgary. Hosted by Katharina Ramshorn..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 05 February 2021, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Environmental exposures shape the immune system early in life

Petter Brodin, Karolinska Institutet. Hosted by Cecilia Dominguez Conde.

UserPetter Brodin, Karolinska Institutet. Hosted by Cecilia Dominguez Conde..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 22 January 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Post-transcriptional control of T cell differentiation

Vigo Heissmeyer, Helmholtz Zentrum München. Hosted by Martin Turner.

UserVigo Heissmeyer, Helmholtz Zentrum München. Hosted by Martin Turner..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 15 January 2021, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

RIG-I-like receptors: assembly, action and clearance of the signalosome.

Sun Hur, Harvard University. Hosted by Yorgo Modis

UserSun Hur, Harvard University. Hosted by Yorgo Modis..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 11 December 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Persistent asymptomatic malaria in the dry season: host control or parasite ploy?

In partnership with Cambridge Infectious Disease IRC

UserPeter Crompton, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Hosted by Georgie Bowyer..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 04 December 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Tissue resident CD4 T cells: division of labor in the lung.

Carolyn King, University of Basel. Hosted by Michelle Linterman.

UserCarolyn King, University of Basel. Hosted by Michelle Linterman..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 27 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Influence of vaccine on the evolution of Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

Vartul Sangal, Northumbria University. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja.

UserVartul Sangal, Northumbria University. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 20 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mitochondrial dynamics fine-tunes T cell exhaustion.

Ping-Chih Ho, University of Lausanne. Hosted by Christoph Hess

UserPing-Chih Ho, University of Lausanne. Hosted by Christoph Hess.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 06 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Tissue-specific features of human innate lymphoid cells.

Jenny Mjosberg Karolinska Institute, Hosted by Tim Halim

UserJenny Mjosberg Karolinska Institute, Hosted by Tim Halim.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 23 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Dynamic regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α activity is essential for normal B cell development.

Natalie Burrows, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy

UserNatalie Burrows, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 16 October 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Resistance to Helminths: Location, Immunity and Modulation.'

Richard Grencis, University of Manchester. Hosted by Bidesh Mahata.

UserRichard Grencis, University of Manchester. Hosted by Bidesh Mahata..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 24 July 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Multidimensional Super-resolution Imaging.'

Steven Lee, University of Cambridge, Hosted by Andres Floto

UserSteven Lee, University of Cambridge, Hosted by Andres Floto.

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 10 July 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Role of PYHIN proteins in innate immune sensing and signalling'

Andrew Bowie, University of Dublin. Hosted by Clare Bryant.

UserAndrew Bowie, University of Dublin. Hosted by Clare Bryant..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 03 July 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Identification of a Kupffer cell subset capable of reverting the T cell dysfunction induced by hepatocellular priming.'

Matteo Iannacone, San Raffaele Scientific Institute. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy.

UserMatteo Iannacone, San Raffaele Scientific Institute. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 26 June 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'A distal enhancer at the human chromosome 11q13.5 risk locus promotes suppression of colitis by Treg cells'

Rahul Roychoudhuri, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Andrew McKenzie.

UserRahul Roychoudhuri, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Andrew McKenzie..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 19 June 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Cohort-based whole genome sequencing in Primary Immune Deficiency: the end of the beginning of PID genetics?'

James Thaveniran & Ken Smith, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy.

UserJames Thaveniran & Ken Smith, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy..

HouseVia Zoom, for more details go to

ClockFriday 12 June 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Tumours induce immune cell-mediated steroid biosynthesis to evade immunity.

Bidesh Mahata, University of Cambridge. Hosted by CIN.

UserBidesh Mahata, University of Cambridge. Hosted by CIN..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 06 March 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

NK cells and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Veronique Braud, Nice, France. Hosted by Francesco Colucci.

UserVeronique Braud, Nice, France. Hosted by Francesco Colucci..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockThursday 20 February 2020, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Antagonistic inflammatory phenotypes dictate tumor fate and response to immunotherapy.

Santiago Zelenay, The University of Manchester, Hosted by Bidesh Mahata

UserSantiago Zelenay, The University of Manchester, Hosted by Bidesh Mahata.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 14 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The translational journey of quorum sensing inhibition approach to managing chronic bacterial infections: a case study.

Michael Graz, University of Bristol, Hosted by Ankur Mutreja

UserMichael Graz, University of Bristol, Hosted by Ankur Mutreja.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 07 February 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Defining “at risk states”: molecular pathways and clinical phenotypes associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Andrew Cope, King’s College London. Hosted by Ken Smith.

UserAndrew Cope, King’s College London. Hosted by Ken Smith..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 31 January 2020, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Transforming heathcare through AI-enabled pathways.

Mihaela van der Schaar, The Alan Turing Institute, Hosted by Andres Floto

UserMihaela van der Schaar, The Alan Turing Institute, Hosted by Andres Floto.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 31 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mechanisms of immune decline and strategies for enhancing immunity during ageing.

Arne Akbar, University College London, Hosted by Menna Clatworthy

UserArne Akbar, University College London, Hosted by Menna Clatworthy.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 24 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Within-host bacterial infection dynamics: from cells to vaccines.

Piero Mastroeni, University of Cambridge, Hosted by Menna Clatworthy

UserPiero Mastroeni, University of Cambridge.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 17 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Unravelling early host intestinal epithelia interactions with whipworms.

María Adelaida Duque-Correa, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hosted by Gordon Dougan

UserMaría Adelaida Duque-Correa, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hosted by Gordon Dougan.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockThursday 16 January 2020, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunology of the human biliary tract: from basic mechanisms to a single gene causing disease

Niklas Bjorkstrom, Karolinska Institute. Hosted by Tim Halim.

UserNiklas Bjorkstrom, Karolinska Institute. Hosted by Tim Halim..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 06 December 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Purinergic control of inflammation and cell death

Leanne Stokes (UEA Norwich), Hosted by Jane Goodall

UserLeanne Stokes (UEA Norwich), Hosted by Jane Goodall .

HouseClinical School Lecture Theatre 2.

ClockThursday 05 December 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Fishing for mechanisms of genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis

Francisco J Roca, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserFrancisco J Roca, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 29 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

KRAB zinc finger proteins, transposable elements and the evolution of gene regulatory networks

Michael Imbeault, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Paul Lehner

UserMichael Imbeault, University of Cambridge. Hosted by Paul Lehner.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 22 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Discovering essential extracellular receptor-ligand interactions: methods and application to pathogen and human leukocyte cellular recognition”

Gavin Wright, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Hosted by Julian Rayner.

UserGavin Wright, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Hosted by Julian Rayner..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockTuesday 19 November 2019, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immune cell and microbiome niches of the healthy colon

Kylie James, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Hosted by Ken Smith.

UserKylie James, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Hosted by Ken Smith..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockMonday 18 November 2019, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

From rarity to clarity: gamma/delta T cells in cancer

Seth Coffelt, University of Glasgow. Hosted by Maike De La Roche

UserSeth Coffelt, University of Glasgow. Hosted by Maike De La Roche.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 08 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Epithelial endoplasmic reticulum stress drives intestinal immune responses

Joep Grootjans, Amsterdam University. Hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserJoep Grootjans, Amsterdam University. Hosted by Arthur Kaser .

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 01 November 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Identifying and responding to crisis after vaccination

Madhava Ram Balakrishnan, WHO. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja

UserMadhava Ram Balakrishnan, WHO. Hosted by Ankur Mutreja.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 25 October 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Reconstructing the thymus microenvironment: implications for tissue engineering

Paola Bonfanti, The Francis Crick Institute. Hosted by Jongeun Park.

UserPaola Bonfanti, The Francis Crick Institute. Hosted by Jongeun Park..

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 18 October 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Feast, famine, and function: Towards imaging nutrient micro-environments and their impact on immunity.

Mark Boothby, Vanderbilt University. Hosted by James Nathan.

UserMark Boothby, Vanderbilt University. Hosted by James Nathan..

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 04 October 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Tumor-derived glucocorticoids as a novel immune escape mechanism

Thomi Brunner, University of Konstanz. Hosted by Bidesh Mahata

UserThomi Brunner, University of Konstanz. Hosted by Bidesh Mahata.

HouseJeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

ClockFriday 27 September 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Staying in shape: mechanisms and consequences of cell morphology in the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori

Nina Salama, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserNina Salama, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 20 September 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T cell tolerance: new thoughts on an old issue

Hosted by Gillian Griffiths, Speaker Jonathan Sprent, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

UserJonathan Sprent, Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

HouseCIMR, Sackler Lecture Theatre.

ClockFriday 30 August 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Comparative transcriptomics identifies a single SNP mutation that controls virulence of African Salmonella

Hosted by Leo James, Speaker Jay Hinton, University of Liverpool

UserJay Hinton, University of Liverpool.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 05 July 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Genetic basis for immunoglobulin repertoire diversity and plasma cell differentiation

Hosten by Ken Smith, Speaker Gunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam, Karolinska Institute

UserGunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam, Karolinska Institute.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockThursday 04 July 2019, 13:30-14:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The pathogenesis and management of HIV-associated tuberculosis

Hosted by Paul Lehner, Speaker Robert Wilkinson, The Francis Crick Institute

UserRobert Wilkinson, The Francis Crick Institute.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 24 June 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Regulation of mucosal macrophage function by the microbiota,

Hosted by Arthur Kaser, Speaker Elizabeth Mann, University of Manchester

UserElizabeth Mann, University of Manchester.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 21 June 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning antibiotic resistance evasion

Luiz de Carvalho, The Francis Crick Institute

UserLuiz de Carvalho, The Francis Crick Institute.

HouseLMB, Max Perutz Lecture Theatre .

ClockFriday 14 June 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“How much T cell immunity is sufficient? - Lessons from primary immunodeficiencies”

Hosted by Gillian Griffiths

UserStephan Ehl, Centre for Chronic Immunodeficiency, Freiburg.

HouseCIMR, Sackler Lecture Theatre.

ClockFriday 07 June 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Stromal cells act as niches for lymphoid macrophages

Hosted by Menna Clatworthy, Speaker: Marc BAJENOFF

UserMarc BAJENOFF, Marseilles.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 29 March 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Drug Development in Obstructive Lung Disease: why it is hard and how we can make progress"

Hosted by Ankur Mutreja, Speaker: Stephen Rennard

UserStephen Rennard, University of Nebraska Medical Centre / AstraZeneca.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 15 March 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Mind the gut: environmental influences on intestinal inflammation and homeostasis”

Hosted by Arthur Kaser, Speaker: Brigitta Stockinger

UserBrigitta Stockinger, The Francis Crick Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 22 February 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Innate immune training resulting from malaria

Hosted by Clare Bryant, speaker: Doug Golenbock

UserDoug Golenbock, University of Massachusetts Medical School.

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockFriday 15 February 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"From genetic associations to disease biology in autoimmunity"

Hosted by Andrew Thompson, Speaker: James Lee

UserJames Lee, University of Cambridge.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 08 February 2019, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Harnessing Natural Killer cells against cancer”

Hosted by Maike De La Roche, speaker: Adelheid Cerwenka

UserAdelheid Cerwenka, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 16 November 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Activation of T cells is under mechanical control"

Hosted by Gillian Griffith, speaker; Marco Fritzsche

UserMarco Fritzsche, The Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine University of Oxford.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 08 November 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cancer immune cellular therapy

Hosted by Ankur Mutreja, Speaker: Peng Li

UserPeng Li, Tsinghua University.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 02 November 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Primary Antibody Defects: Insights and Surprises”

Hosted by Andres Floto, Speaker: Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles

UserCharlotte Cunningham-Rundles, Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

HouseSanger Seminar Room, MRC LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, CBC.

ClockMonday 29 October 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“The role of the intestinal microbiome in allo HCT”

Hosted by Dr Hilary Browne on behalf of Dr Trevor Lawley

UserMarcel van den Brink, Head of the Division of Hematologic Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. .

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockTuesday 25 September 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Lncing 3D chromatin structure to trained to immunity

Hosted by Andres Floto, Speaker: Musa Mhlanga

UserMusa Mhlanga, University of Cape Town.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 21 September 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Quantitative assays to measure human B lymphocyte health”

Hosted by Ken Smith, Speaker: Jessica Tempany

UserJessica Tempany, PhD Student, Hodgkin Laboratory,.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 10 September 2018, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Nitric Oxide in Host-Bacterial Interactions

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Ferric Fang

UserFerric Fang, University of Washington.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 10 September 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Tapping into developmental processes to discover new targets for cancer therapy

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Joan Heath

UserJoan Heath, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne.

HouseKLUG seminar room, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockWednesday 01 August 2018, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“T cell immunity during dengue virus infection”

Hosted by Ken Smith, Speaker: Laura Rivino

UserLaura Rivino, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore .

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockWednesday 18 July 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Effects of Influenza Immune History on Responses to Influenza Vaccines

Hosted by Jim Kaufman, speaker; Tomer Hertz

UserTomer Hertz, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 29 June 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Understanding diversity in the human immune system"

Hosted by Alice Denton, Speaker: Adrian Liston

UserAdrian Liston, Univ. of Leuven.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 22 June 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Targeting proteostatic mechanisms of resistance in malaria’

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Kasturi Haldar

UserKasturi Haldar, University of Notre Dame.

HouseKLUG seminar room, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 22 June 2018, 10:00-11:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Understanding the dynamics of host-pathogen interaction"

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Amit Singhal

UserAmit Singhal, A. Star Singapore.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 15 June 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Iron at the interface of immunity and infection"

Hosted by Arthur Kaser, Speaker: Günter Weiss

UserGünter Weiss, Medical University of Innsbruck.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 08 June 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Regulation of natural killer cell responses in the tumor microenvironment"

Hosted by Maike De La Roche, speaker: Andreas Lundqvist

UserAndreas Lundqvist, Karolinska Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 01 June 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Novel signalling pathways controlling T cell adhesion and migration”

Hosted by Gillian Griffiths, speaker; Victor Tybulewicz

UserVictor Tybulewicz, Francis Crick Institute.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 25 May 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“How leukocytes adapt their function to changes in local inflammation”

Hosted by Menna Clatworthy, Speaker: Dietmar Zaiss

UserDietmar Zaiss, University of Edinburgh.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 23 March 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Genomic control mechanisms that establish T-cell identity”

Hosted by Gillian Griffiths, speaker; Ellen Rothenberg

UserEllen Rothenberg, CalTech.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 08 March 2018, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Structure and function of retroviral integrase

Hosted by Leo James, Speaker: Peter Cherepanov

UserPeter Cherepanov, The Francis Crick Institute.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 02 March 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Human type I interferonopathies

Hosted by Sarah Teichmann, Speaker: Yanick Crow

UserYanick Crow, Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Neuroinflammation, France.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 09 February 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Pursuing precision in PBC”

Hosted by Arthur Kaser, Speaker: George Mells

UserGeorge Mells, Consultant Hepatologist, NIHR Postdoctoral Fellow.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 05 February 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Gene regulation in the innate and adaptive immune systems'

Hosted by Tim Halim, Speaker: Rahul Roychoudhuri

UserRahul Roychoudhuri, Babraham Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 26 January 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"A tale of two autoantigens"

Hosted by Paul Lyons, Speaker Richard Kitching

UserRichard Kitching, Monash University.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockTuesday 23 January 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T cell mediated immunity in the tuberculous granuloma

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Kevin Urdahl

UserKevin Urdahl, Center for Infectious Disease Research/ Seattle.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 19 January 2018, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“TB pathogenesis: subversion by small molecules”

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; William Bishai

UserWilliam Bishai, John Hopkins Center for TB.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 08 December 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Linear ubiquitin chains go anti-viral'

Hosted by Andrew McKenzie, Speaker: Brian Ferguson

UserBrian Ferguson, University of Cambridge.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 01 December 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Interplay between age, immunity, cancer and CMV"

Hosted by Mark Wills, speaker: Graham Pawelec

UserGraham Pawelec, University Of Tuebingen.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 24 November 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Manipulating T cell signalling to improve anti-tumour immunity”

Hosted by Maike de la Roche, Speaker: Robert Salmond

UserRobert Salmond, Leeds Institute of Cancer and Pathology.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 10 November 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Inflammation-driven Disruption of Iron Homeostasis In Parkinson’s Disease”

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Raffaella Gozzelino

UserRaffaella Gozzelino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 13 October 2017, 13:30-14:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Immunometabolism taught by patients"

Hosted by Ken Smith, Speaker: Christoph Hess

UserChristoph Hess, University of Basel.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockTuesday 10 October 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The Janus-face nature of MmpL transporters in Mycobacterium abscessus

Hosted by Andres Floto, Speaker: Laurent Kremer

UserLaurent Kremer, Université de Montpellier.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 06 October 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Navigating the ILC Transcriptional Landscape

Hosted by Sarah Teichmann, Speaker: Gabrielle Belz

UserGabrielle Belz, WEHI.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 29 September 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“The impact and outcomes of fluoroquinolone usage”

Hosted by Arthur Kaser, Speaker: Stephen Baker

UserStephen Baker, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam / University of Cambridge (Dept of Medicine).

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 15 September 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Skin-resident memory T cells in melanoma surveillance

Hosted by Alice Denton, Speaker: Thomas Gebhardt

UserThomas Gebhardt, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection & Immunity.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 08 September 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Leukocytes in action - watching them at work in zebrafish fungal infection models"

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Graham Lieschke

UserGraham Lieschke, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute.

HouseSanger Room, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 14 July 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Inflammation control by Inflammasomes”

LMB seminar hosted by Leo James

UserKate Schroder, University of Queensland, Australia.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockTuesday 06 June 2017, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Atypical heterochromatin controls telomere maintenance

Hosted by Paul Lehner, speaker Jerome Dejardin

UserJerome Dejardin, Montpellier, France.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 12 May 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cambridge HypOxyResp Network Meeting

Cambridge HypOxyResp Network Meeting

UserJo Pocock and Stefan Graf; University of Cambridge.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 08 May 2017, 16:00-17:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

To the Edge of Necroptosis and Back

Hosted by Ken Smith and Richard Gilbertson, speaker Doug Green

UserDouglas Green, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

HouseMartin Cohen Lecture Theatre, Li Ka Shing Centre, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.

ClockThursday 13 April 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Pancreatic Cancer: Cachexia, Systemic Metabolism, Immunity and Occult Metastases

Hosted by Paul Lehner, speaker Douglas Fearon

UserDouglas Fearon, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 13 April 2017, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series


Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Meindert Lamers

UserMeindert Lamers, LMB.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockTuesday 21 March 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series


UserProf Clare Bryant, Dr Eoin McKinney, Dr Maike De La Roche, Dr Sam Forster.

HouseMill Lane Lecture Rooms, Mill Lane, CB2 1RW.

ClockThursday 16 March 2017, 18:00-19:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

'Mucosal immunology of asthma'

Hosted by Tim Halim, Speaker: Bart Lambrecht

UserBart Lambrecht, Ghent University.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 10 March 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Group 2 innate lymphoid cells and allergic lung inflammation"

Hosted by Tim Halim, Speaker: Fumio Takei

UserFumio Takei, University of British Columbia.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockThursday 09 March 2017, 13:30-14:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Calcineurin and the microbiota in intestinal tumor development"

Hosted by Arthur Kaser, Speaker: Sebastian Zeissig

UserSebastian Zeissig, Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 03 March 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Spatio-temporal dynamics of collective CD8 T cell responses

Hosted by James Thaventhiran, speaker: Audrey Gerard

UserAudrey Gerard, University of Oxford.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 24 February 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Infection, Inflammasomes and Autophagy”

Hosted by Clare Bryant, speaker: Tom Evans

UserTom Evans, University of Glasgow.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 17 February 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Genome-Wide Association Studies on Infection and the Non-Coding Human Genome

Hosted by Sergey Nejentsev, speaker; Rolf Horstmann

UserRolf Horstmann, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 06 February 2017, 13:30-14:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Amino acid degrading enzymes and their role in tumour immune escape mechanisms"

Hosted by Maike de la Roche, Speaker: Vincenzo Cerundolo

UserVincenzo Cerundolo, University of Oxford.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 27 January 2017, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Early developmental program shapes colony morphology in bacteria

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Gideon Mamou,

UserGideon Mamou, Hebrew University of Jerusalem .

HouseSanger Room, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockTuesday 24 January 2017, 12:15-13:15

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Early developmental program shapes colony morphology in bacteria

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Gideon Mamou,

UserGideon Mamou, Hebrew University of Jerusalem .

HouseSanger Room, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockTuesday 24 January 2017, 12:15-13:15

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Complement therapeutics on the crossroads between inflammatory and infectious disease

Department of Veterinary Medicine Departmental Seminars Lent Term 2017

UserProfessor Wilhelm Schwaeble, Professor of Immunology, University of Leicester.

HouseDepartment of Veterinary Medicine , Lecture Theatre 2, Refreshments in SCR from 3.45.

ClockWednesday 11 January 2017, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"T Cell Memory and Exhaustion: Implications for Cancer Immunotherapy"

Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan, speaker; Rafi Ahmed

UserRafi Ahmed, Emory Vaccine Center.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockTuesday 06 December 2016, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“How oncogenes reprogramme inflammation”

Hosted by Maike de la Roche, Speaker: Gerard Evan

UserGerard Evan, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 25 November 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Functional heterogeneity of human mononuclear phagocytes in health and disease”

Hosted by Paul Lehner, Speaker: Muzlifah Haniffa

User Muzlifah Haniffa, Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science, Professor of Dermatology and Immunology, Newcastle University.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockFriday 11 November 2016, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Nucleic acid sensing by innate immune receptors”

Hosted by Felix Randow, Speaker: Jan Rehwinkel

UserJan Rehwinkel, Associate Professor of Innate Immunology, MRC Human Immunology Unit, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 11 November 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“NOD2 function and the molecular architecture of intestinal inflammation”

Hosted by Frank Waldren-Lynch, Speaker: Alison Simmons

UserProf. Alison Simmons, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 28 October 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“B cell selection in germinal centres”

Hosted by Menna Clatworthy, Speaker: Kai Toellner

UserKai Toellner, Birmingham University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 21 October 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"IL-33 and Alzheimer’s disease"

Hosted by Gordon Dougan, Speaker: Foo (Eddy) Liew

UserFoo (Eddy) Liew, University of Glasgow.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 07 October 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Protective and harmful immunity to respiratory challenge

Hosted by Edwin Chilvers, Speaker: Peter Openshaw

UserPeter Openshaw, Imperial College London.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockTuesday 20 September 2016, 15:30-16:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

A new GM-CSF dependent pathway in inflammation

Hosted by Ken Smith, Speaker: John Hamilton

UserJohn Hamilton The University of Melbourne.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockTuesday 06 September 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Targeting Protease Signaling in Atherothrombosis and NASH with Cell-Penetrating Pepducins”

Hosted by: Nicole C Kaneider & Arthur Kaser

UserAthan Kuliopulos, Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry Tufts Medical Center.

HousePatrick Sissons seminar room (Purple seminar room), Dept Medicine, Level 5, Addenbrookes hospital.

ClockMonday 04 July 2016, 10:30-11:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Defining the requirements of robust type 2 immunity

Hosted by Alice Denton, Speaker: Jonathan Coquet

UserJonathan Coquet, Karolinska Institute, Sweden.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 24 June 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Tuberculosis phenotypic resistance, indirectly speaking"

Hosted by Paul Lehner, speaker: Babak Javid

UserBabak Javid Professor, Tsinghua University.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 10 June 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"MicroRNA-mediated regulation of T follicular helper and Th17 cells"

Hosted by Michelle Linterman, Speaker:Dirk Baumjohann

UserDirk Baumjohann, Biomedical Centre, Munich.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 20 May 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"HCMV: Rebuilding and characterising a clinical virus"

Hosted by Michael Weekes, Speaker: Rich Stanton

UserDr. Rich Stanton, Cardiff University.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 13 May 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Genome embedded ribonucleotides activate cGAS/STING-dependent inflammation

Hosted by Christina Rada, Speaker: Andrew Jackson

UserAndrew Jackson, University of Edinburgh.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 29 April 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Regulating the immune response to alloantigens

Hosted by: Menna Clatworthy, Speaker: Kathryn Wood

UserKathryn Wood, University of Oxford.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 15 April 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Tracking down antigen specific T and B cells to dissect autoimmunity"

Speaker: Ludvig Sollid, Hosted by: Sarah Teichmann

UserLudvig Sollid,, University of Oslo..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 11 March 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Immunity to exogenous and endogenous retroviruses”

Speaker: George Kassiotis, Hosted by Leo James

UserGeorge Kassiotis, NIMR/Crick Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 04 March 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Microbiota in lung homeostasis and disease"

Speaker Ben Marsland, Hosted by: Andrew McKenzie

UserBen Marsland, CHUV, Switzerland.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 19 February 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"The impact of immunogenetic variation on human disease”

Speaker: Mary Carrington, Hosted by: John Trowsdale

UserMary Carrington, NIH, US.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 12 February 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Function and plasticity of human Innate Lymphoid Cells”

Speaker: Hergen Spits, Hosted by: Tim Halim for the Postdoc's

UserHergen Spits, University of Amsterdam..

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 05 February 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Immune responses in fat associated lymphoid tissues"

Speaker: Jorge Caamano, Hosted by: Martin Turner

UserJorge Caamano, University of Birmingam.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 22 January 2016, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“Mobile elements, polydactyl proteins and the species-specificity of human biology”

Speaker: Didier Trono, Hosted by Yorgo Modis. Last talk of term

UserDidier Trono, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 04 December 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"A close up view on T cell mechanisms in autoimmunity : dissecting childhood arthritis"

Speaker: Lucy Wedderburn, Hosted By John Todd

UserLucy Wedderburn, UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust .

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 19 November 2015, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Transcription factors in regulation of immune function"

Speaker: Rahul Roychoudhuri, hosted by Klaus Okkenhaug

UserRahul Roychoudhuri, the Babraham Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 30 October 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Programming Humoural Immune Responses"

Speaker: Ed Clark, Hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserEd Clark, University of Washington.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 October 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Investigating the pathogenesis and developing new therapies for Respiratory Disease"

Speaker: Phil Hansbro, Hosted by Andrew McKenzie

UserPhil Hansbro, The University of Newcastle, Australia.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 October 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Spontaneous development of autoreactive naive B cells; a road to autoimmune disease?"

Speaker: Lill Mårtensson-Bopp, Hosted by Alessandra de Riva for the Postdocs

UserSpeaker Lill Mårtensson-Bopp, University of Gothenburg.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 02 October 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“In Situ Signatures of Apoptotic Cell Recognition”

Speaker: Julie Blander, Hosted By Clare Bryant

UserJulie Blander, Icahn School of Medicine, NewYork.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 25 September 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

“The Biology of IL-6 and Strategies of Blockade”

Speaker: Stefan Rose-John, Hosted By John Todd

UserStefan Rose-John Christian-Albrechts- Universität zu Kiel.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 18 September 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Taming the enemy within-host-epithelial interactions in the intestinal tract

Speaker: Philip Rosenstiel, Hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserPhilip Rosenstiel, University of Kiel.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 14 September 2015, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Dendritic cells in the initiation of immunity to infection and cancer"

Speaker: Caetano Reis e Sousa, Hosted By Yorgo Modis

UserCaetano Reis e Sousa, Cancer Research UK London Research Institute.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 11 September 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Innate signals, T cell help andcross-presentation in antiviral CTL priming"

Speaker: Sammy Bedoui, Hosted By Alice Denton for the Postdoc's.

UserSammy Bedoui, Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity, The University of Melbourne.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 28 August 2015, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

Stuart Neil, hosted by Andrew Lever

UserStuart Neil, Kings College London.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 12 June 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

Kay Grunewald, hosted by Yorgo Modis

UserKay Grunewald, Oxford.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 05 June 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

Gérard Eberl, hosted by Ziad Mallat

UserGérard Eberl Institut Pasteur.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 29 May 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Activation and differentiation of human ILC3

Chiara Romagnani, hosted by Francesco Colucci

UserChiara Romagnani, Berlin.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 15 May 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Gut Microbiota Confers Protection Against Malaria

Miguel Soares, hosted by Lalita Ramakrishnan

UserMiguel Soares, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 01 May 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Do good bacteria get enough respect?

Trevor Lawley, hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserTrevor Lawley, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 27 March 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mechanical forces in B cell activation

Pavel Tolar, hosted by John James

UserPavel Tolar, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 20 March 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Innate Immune mechanisms of DNA detection

Andrew Bowie, hosted by Cristina Rada

UserAndrew Bowie, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College, Dublin..

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 13 March 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Environmental sensing by blood cells

hosted by Marc Veldhoen

UserHenrique Veiga-Fernandes, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 06 March 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Fibroblastic reticular cells as anti-inflammatory agents: pre-clinical proof-of-principle

Anne Fletcher, hosted by Alice Denton for the postdocs

UserAnne Fletcher, Univeristy of Birmingham.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 27 February 2015, 13:00-14:00

Pharmacology Tea Club Michaelmas 2015

PI3Ks; the rules of engagement

UserPhill Hawkins (Babraham Institute, Cambridge).

HouseDepartment of Pharmacology Lecture Theatre, Tennis Court Road.

ClockFriday 06 February 2015, 16:00-17:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Novel functions for IgG in modulating immune highways and DC trafficking

Menna Clatworthy, hosted by Clare Bryant

UserDr Menna Clatworthy (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 06 February 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Circadian regulation of Inflammation

David Ray, hosted by Edwin Chilvers

UserDavid Ray, University of Manchester.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 30 January 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Generating Immunity to an Immunosupressive Virus: The HIV Vaccine Conundrum

Jonathan Heeney, hosted by Gillian Griffiths

UserProf. Jonathan Heeney (University of Cambridge).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 January 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Insights from the extremes of Type 1 Diabetes

Andrew Hattersley, hosted by Frank Waldron-Lynch

UserAndrew Hattersley, University of Exeter Medical School.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 16 January 2015, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Mechanisms of immune-metabolic interaction in infection

Marc Dionne King's College London, Dptm of Immunobiology, hosted by Felix Randow

UserMarc Dionne, King's College London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 12 December 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Updating The Two Signal theory of T cell Activation with a Cellular Calculus

Phil Hodgkin, hosted by Ken Smith

UserPhil Hodgkin, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne .

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 05 December 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Lymphocyte population dynamics and genetic susceptibility to autoimmune disease

Rose Zamoyska,hosted by Maike de la Roche for the postdocs

UserRose Zamoyska, University of Edinburgh.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 28 November 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T cell regulation in autoimmune diabetes

Lucy Walker, hosted by Linda Wicker

UserProf Lucy Walker, University College, London.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 21 November 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Macrophage regulation of tumor responses to anticancer therapies

Michele de Palma, hosted by Jacqueline Shields

UserMichele de Palma, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 07 November 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Leukocyte migration and gradient sensing in vivo: lessons from zebrafish

Milka Sarris, hosted by Alex Betz

UserMilka Sarris, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 31 October 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The human leukaemia virus HTLV-1: clonality, latency and immune response.

Charles Bangham, hosted by John Todd

UserProf. Charles Bangham ( Imperial College London).

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 24 October 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Neutrophil transmigration in vivo: Mechanisms, dynamics and pathogenesis

Sussan Nourshargh, hosted by Gillian Griffiths

UserSussan Nourshargh, William Harvey Research Institute Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Queen Mary, University of London.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 10 October 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Understanding & Exploiting the NKT cell:CD1d System in Cancer and Other Diseases

Mark Exley, hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserMark Exley, Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR).

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 03 October 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

Cambridge Immunology Forum 2014

UserErika Pearce, Ajay Chawla, Karine Clément, Luke O’Neill, Doreen Cantrell, Mala Maini, Ziad Mallat, Toni Vidal-Puig.

HousePeterhouse Theatre, Peterhouse College.

ClockTuesday 30 September 2014, 08:30-18:30

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute (CRUK CI) Seminars in Cancer

The role of macrophages in tumour progression and metastasis

UserJeffrey Pollard, University of Edinburgh and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York.

HouseCancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Lecture Theatre.

ClockThursday 18 September 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Illuminating the microanatomical positioning and function of dendritic cells in vivo

Michael Gerner, hosted by Menna Clatworthy

UserMichael Gerner, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Bethesda.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 11 September 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

HIV Control & Cure

Professor Philip Goulder, University of Oxford. Hosted by Professor Patrick Maxwell

UserProfessor Philip Goulder, Professor of Immunology, University of Oxford.

HouseSeminar Room 2, Clinical School, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge..

ClockThursday 24 July 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The role of adipose tissue innate lymphocytes in regulation of metabolism and weight

Lydia Lynch, hosted by Francesco Colucci

UserLydia Lynch Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 04 July 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Diversity of mouse B cell memory subsets

Claude-Agnès Reynaud, hosted by Cristina Rada

UserClaude-Agnès Reynaud, INSERM.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 13 June 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

HIV-1 Infection, Type-1 Interferon and Viral Restriction

Michael Malim, King's College London, hosted by Andrew Lever

UserMichael Malim, King's College London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 30 May 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Models of the germinal centre reaction

Michael Meyer-Hermann, hosted by Michelle Linterman. Note change of venue!

UserMichael Meyer-Hermann, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 May 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

Wenjun Ouyang, hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserWenjun Ouyang.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 14 May 2014, 10:30-11:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The virus host and virus genetics of severe influenza infection

Paul Kellam, hosted by Stephen Bentley

UserPaul Kellam, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 09 May 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Class switch recombination defects

Anne Durandy, Paris, hosted by Sergey Nejentsev

UserAnne Durandy,Hospital Necker, paris.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 25 April 2014, 13:00-14:00

BRC Seminar Series

"Metabolic Regulation of Inflammation"

UserProf Luke O'Neil, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin .

HouseBrain Repair Centre, Forvie Site, Robinson Way.

ClockWednesday 02 April 2014, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

HPV vaccines where to next?

Margaret Stanley

UserProfessor Margaret Stanley, Department of Pathology.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 14 March 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils

Elizabeth Murchison, hosted by Paul Lyons

UserElizabeth Murchison, Department of Veterinary Sciences.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 07 March 2014, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in Pathology

Trafficking of MHC class I molecules is influenced by so many things - lessons from a new peptide-independent mutant

Host: Dr Louise Boyle,

UserProfessor Sebastian Springer, Jacobs University Bremen.

HouseLecture Theatre, Department of Pathology, Tennis Court Road.

ClockThursday 13 February 2014, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Alemtuzumab: “fixing” multiple sclerosis and causing autoimmunity

Joanne Jones, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, hosted by Linda Wicker

UserJoanne Jones, Department of Clinical Neurosciences .

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 07 February 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T cell migration in tumors: a role for matrix architecture

Emmanuel Donnadieu, hosted by Doug Fearon

UserEmmanuel Donnadieu, INSERM, PAris.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 31 January 2014, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Regulation of calcium homeostasis in myeloid cells: new therapeutic targets in inflammation

Pierre Launay, hosted by Andres Floto

UserPierre Launay, Bichat Medical School, Paris.

HouseNew LMB Lecture Theatre.

ClockFriday 24 January 2014, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

Regulatory B cells: Novel faces and mechanisms

Simon Fillatreau, Berlin, hosted by the postdocs

UserSimon Fillatreau, Deutsches Rheuma-ForschungsZentrum, Berlin.

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockFriday 06 December 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Macrophage migration and death pathways in TB pathogenesis

Francisco J. Roca, hosted by Ken Smith

UserFrancisco J. Roca, University of Washington.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockThursday 05 December 2013, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology

de novo generation of peripheral regulatory T cells: another job for the thymus.

Jocelyne Demengeot, hosted by John Todd

UserJocelyne Demengeot, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência PT-2781-901 Oeiras, PORTUGAL.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 29 November 2013, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Macrophage migration and death pathways in TB pathogenesis

UserFrancisco Jose Roca Soler, university of Washington.

HouseNew LMB Lecture Theatre.

ClockMonday 18 November 2013, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology

Functions of Monocytes and Macrophages

Frederic Geissmann, hosted by Cristina Rada

UserFrederic Geissmann, King's College London.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 15 November 2013, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Cancelled- Dendritic cell subsets in Th2 immunity

Cancelled Bart Lambrecht, University of Ghent, hosted by Andrew McKenzie

UserBart Lambrecht, University of Ghent.

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 08 November 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

'How grafted neural stem cells speak with the host immune system'

Stefano Pluchino (University of Cambridge), hosted by Marc Veldhoen

UserStefano Pluchino John van Geest Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair and Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute, Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 01 November 2013, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Transplantation and Regulatory T-cell Homeostasis: Impact of Interleukin-2

John Koreth, DFCI, Harvard hosted by Frank Waldron-Lynch

UserJohn Koreth, DFCI, Harvard.

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 25 October 2013, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Virology Seminars

The avian innate immune system and its modulation by viruses

UserDr Michael Skinner, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, Level 7, CIMR, Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

ClockThursday 24 October 2013, 12:00-13:00

Immunology in medicine

Autophagic labeling of single-membrane vesicles through direct engagement of Atg16L1

Felipe X. Pimentel Muinos, University of Salamanca, Spain, hosted by Felix Randow

UserFelipe X. Pimentel Muinos, University of Salamanca, Spain,.

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 11 October 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

Characterisation and re-programming of neutrophil dysfunction in critically ill patients

John Simpson, Newcastle University, hosted by Edwin Chilvers

UserJohn Simpson, Newcastle University.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 04 October 2013, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Pathogen Defence in the Lymph Node - From Innate to Adaptive Immunity

Wolfgang Kastenmuller, Bonn University, hosted by Menna Clatworthy

UserWolfgang Kastenmuller, Bonn University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 27 September 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

(Epi-)genomics in IBD-from predisposition to manifestation

Philip Rosenstiel, Kiel University, hosted by Arthur Kaser

UserPhilip Rosenstiel, Kiel University.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 20 September 2013, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Tuberculosis as an inflammatory disease: insights from the zebrafish

Lalita Ramakrishnan, hosted by Ken Smith

UserLalita Ramakrishnan ( University of Washington).

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 13 September 2013, 13:00-14:00

hv219's list

How do T cells read antigen affinity? Implications for tolerance and autoimmunity

Ed Palmer, University of Basel, hosted by Gillian Griffiths

UserEd Palmer, University of Basel.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 06 September 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cell Biology in Medicine Seminar Series

Autophagy roles in Immunity

UserProfessor Vojo Deretic, University of New Mexico.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre, Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Addenbrooke's .

ClockTuesday 03 September 2013, 13:00-14:00

hv219's list

BEACH domain containing proteins

Andrew Cullinane

UserAndrew Cullinane, Medical Genetics Branch (NHGRI), NIH, Bethesda, USA.

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockThursday 08 August 2013, 16:00-17:00

Immunology in medicine

Using Advanced Imaging Methods to Probe the Organization and Operation of the Immune System

Ron Germain,National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, USA, hosted by Menna Catworthy

UserRon Germain National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, USA.

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 02 August 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

From Screens to Genes: Unraveling the Mystery of Poxvirus Genome Uncoating

Jason Mercer, hosted by Leo James

UserJason Mercer, Institute of Biochemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockThursday 18 July 2013, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology

Regulating T lymphocyte metabolism

Doreen Cantrell, University of Dundee hosted by the postdocs

UserDoreen Cantrell, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee.

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockMonday 15 July 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

TLR2 signaling and NLRP3 inflammasome activation: Location makes the difference

Dr Karim Brandt, hosted by Nick Gay

UserKarim Brandt, University of Geneva.

HouseBiochemistry Lecture Theatre, Sanger Building, Tennis Court Road.

ClockFriday 12 July 2013, 10:30-11:30

BRC Seminar Series

Toll-like receptor-mediated neuronal injury.

UserDr Seija Lehnardt, Dept of Neurology, Charité-University Medicine Berline, Germany.

HouseBrain Repair Centre, Forvie Site, Robinson Way.

ClockWednesday 10 July 2013, 12:00-13:00

Immunology in medicine

CANCELED TCR requirements for gamma/delta T cell development


UserDaniel Pennington Blizard Institute, Barts and The London Medical School.

HouseSackler Lecture Theater on level 7 of the CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research).

ClockFriday 05 July 2013, 13:00-14:00

Immunology in medicine

Metabolomics Analysis for Medical and Drug Discovery Research

UserProfessor Masura Yoshida Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan.

HouseE7 seminar room, Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

ClockThursday 04 July 2013, 12:00-13:00

hv219's list

Drosophila as a model to study innate immunity

note change of time and date

UserPetros Ligoxygakis, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford .

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockWednesday 03 July 2013, 17:00-18:00

Immunology in Pathology

Influence of HLA-C expression level on HIV control

Host: Ashley Moffett (

UserDr Richard Apps, National Cancer Institute, NIH Fredericks, USA.

HouseLecture Theatre, Department of Pathology, Tennis Court Road.

ClockWednesday 03 July 2013, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology

Fc Receptors: Critical regulators of antibody biology and therapy

Mark Cragg , Southampton, hosted by Leo James

UserProf. Mark Cragg - Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockThursday 27 June 2013, 13:30-14:30

Cambridge Immunology

Innate lymphoid cells in immunity and disease

Jillian Barlow, hosted by Andrew McKenzie.

UserJillian Barlow, MRC-LMB.

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockFriday 21 June 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

Adipocyte progenitor cells support the formation of lymphoid tissues during development and inflammation

Jorge Caamano, University of Birmingham, hosted by Elena Vigorito

UserJorge Caamano, University of Birmingham .

HouseCIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research), Sackler Lecture Theater on level 7.

ClockFriday 14 June 2013, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology

Seminar by the recipients of the Lister Institute Research Prize 2012

The presentations will be followed by a reception.

UserDr David Komander, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Dr Akhilesh Reddy, Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre. .

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockFriday 07 June 2013, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology

The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) – not just for kids!

Jan Terje Andersen, hosted by Leo James

UserJan Terje Andersen University of Oslo Centre for Immune Regulation.

HouseMPLT, MRC-LMB, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, CB2 0QH.

ClockThursday 06 June 2013, 16:30-17:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Global Progress in TB Vaccine Development"

UserProfessor Helen McShane, University of Oxford. Hosted by Andres Floto.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 November 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Preclinical and Clinical Studies of Immunotherapy in Type 1 Diabetes"

UserDr Frank Wadron-Lynch, JDRF/WT Diabetes & Inflammation Lab, CIMR. Hosted by Linda Wicker.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 16 November 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"ADARs and innate immunity"

UserMary O'Connell, MRC, Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh. Hosted by Felix Randow.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 November 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

New insights into bone marrow biology

UserProfessor Sara Rankin, Imperial College London. Hosted by Edwin Chilvers.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 05 October 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

IFN-inducible GTPases and the art of self defense

UserJohn MacMicking, Yale University School of Medicine. Hosted by Felix Randow.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 21 September 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Regulating T cells in autoimmune and allergic disease"

UserProfessor Stephen M Anderton, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh. Hosted by Andrew McKenzie.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 06 July 2012, 13:00-14:00

"Regulating Mast Cells: From Allergy to Injury"

UserDr Paul Bryce, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.

HouseLevel 5 seminar room, LMB.

ClockWednesday 04 July 2012, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Fueling the fires within: TNF-family receptors in autoimmunity and autoinflammation

UserDr Richard Siegel, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal & Skin Diseases, NIH. Hosted by Menna Clatworthy.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 29 June 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Bad blood between the ribosomal subunits"

UserProfessor Alan Warren, University Department of Haematology and MRC-LMB. Hosted by Michael Neuberger.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 08 June 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"Mesenchymal and haemopoietic stroma: a crucial liaison"

UserProfessor Francesco Dazzi, Chair in Stem Cell Biology and Head of Stem Cell Biology, Dept of Medicine, Imperial College London. Hosted by John Todd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 25 May 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Malaria and Salmonella: tolerance versus resistance

UserProfessor Eleanor Riley London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Hosted by John Trowsdale..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 30 March 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"The earliest events in T cell receptor activation"

UserProfessor Kai Wucherpfennig, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard. Hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 26 March 2012, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Basophils in immune responses against helminths and allergens

UserProfessor David Voehringer Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen‐Nurnberg, Germany. Hosted by Andrew McKenzie..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 March 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

"The impact of protease-regulated antigen processing and presentation"

RSVP to Dr Robert Busch via email (, because seating capacity in the Rheumatology Seminar Room is limited. Also please inform Dr Busch if you wish to meet Dr Burster on the day

UserDr Timo Burster, University of Ulm. Hosted by Dr Robert Busch.

HouseRheumatology Seminar Room, Dept of Medicine, Level 5,.

ClockTuesday 20 March 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The thymus: 500 million years in the making

UserProfessor Thomas Boehm Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiberg, Germany. Hosted by Ken Smith..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 06 March 2012, 16:15-17:15

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Development of Foxp3+ regulatory T cell: epigenetics and more…

UserProfessor Jochen Huehn Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany. Hosted by Alex Betz..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 24 February 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Vitamin D and tuberculosis

UserDr Adrian Martineau Queen Mary University of London, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Hosted by John Todd..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 17 February 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunity to Streptococcus pneumoniae

UserDr Jerry Brown University College London. Hosted by Andres Floto..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 10 February 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Molecular mechanisms of human T helper cell differentiation to functionally distinct subsets

UserProfessor Riitta Lahesmaa Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Finland. Hosted by Sarah Teichmann..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 08 February 2012, 11:00-12:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Targeting B cells in Cardiovascular Diseases

UserProfessor Ziad Mallat, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 03 February 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The αβTCR uses an antibody‐like strategy to engage MHC‐peptide

UserProfessor Julian Dyson Dept of Medicine, Imperial College, London. Hosted by Linda Wicker..

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 27 January 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Transcriptional and chromatin regulation of T helper cell differentiation

First talk of Lent Term

UserDr Richard Jenner, University College London, hosted by Sarah Teichmann.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 20 January 2012, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Title to be confirmed

Last talk of term. Note change of speaker

UserDr Richard Blumberg, Harvard School of Medicine, hosted by Students and Postdocs, Smith lab.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 December 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Pattern Recognition Receptors: therapeutic targets for allergic as well as infectious disease?

UserDr Clare Bryant, Dept of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, hosted by Edwin Chilvers.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 18 November 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Retinoic acid: An immune morphogen?

UserDr Randy Noelle, Dartmouth University and King's College, London, hosted by Chris Rudd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 11 November 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Chaperoning antibody diversification

UserDr Javier di Noia, Insitut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal, hosted by Michael Neuberger.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 04 November 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

HIV-related mortality past and present

UserProfessor Sebastian Lucas, King's College London School of Medicine, hosted by Leo James.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 21 October 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Hedgehog signalling in T-cell differentiation

UserDr Tessa Crompton, Institute for Child Health, University College London, hosted by Gillian Griffiths.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 14 October 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Control of inflammation by natural and synthetic histone mimics

Note unusual time

UserProfessor Sasha Tarakhovsky, The Rockefeller University, New York, hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 13 October 2011, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Multiplexed assays for studying immunologic diseases

UserProfessor PJ Utz, Stanford School of Medicine, California, hosted by Paul Lyons.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 September 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Innate Lymphoid Cells: An Emerging Family of Immune Effectors

UserProfessor Jim di Santo, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, hosted by Francesco Colucci.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 16 September 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Approaches to and biomarkers of transplantation tolerance

Note unusual time

UserProfessor Robert Lechler, King's College, London, hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 14 September 2011, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Salmonella diarrhea - from molecular analysis to the real infection

UserProfessor Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, hosted by Felix Randow.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 September 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Molecular Mechanisms in cytotoxicity by SLAM family receptors

UserDr Marion Brown, Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, hosted by Gillian Griffiths.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 02 September 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

NOD2-dependent autophagy and Crohn's disease

UserDr Alison Simmons, Nuffield Dept of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, hosted by Arthur Kaser.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 15 July 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Retinoic acid: An immune morphogen?

UserRandy Noelle, Dartmouth University and King's College London hosted by Chris Rudd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 08 July 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Control of immune homeostasis by regulatory T cells

Special Seminar: Note unusual time

UserDr Sasha Rudensky, The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, hosted by Paul Lehner.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 07 July 2011, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Making and br(e)aking CD effector/memory responses

UserProfessor Peter Lane, University of Birmingham, hosted by Students/Post docs.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 10 June 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Autophagy in the hematopoitic system

Special Seminar: Note unusual time

UserProfessor Katia Simon, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University, hosted by Andres Floto.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 07 June 2011, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

War and peace at the mucosal interface in the gut

UserClaudio Nicoletti, Institute of Food Research, Norwich hosted by Hill Gaston/Jane Goodall.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 03 June 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Genes, cells and pathways - Post GWAS

Special Seminar: Note unusual time

UserRamnik Xavier, Harvard Medical School Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, hosted by John Todd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 01 June 2011, 10:00-11:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Gut, germs and genes: the role of the microflora in intestinal oncogenesis

Special Seminar: Note unusual time

UserEyal Raz, University of California San Diego, hosted by Arthur Kaser.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 25 May 2011, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immune modulation via C-type lectins

UserDr Veronique Braud, Institut de Pharmacologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire, Valbonne, France, hosted by Francesco Colucci.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 13 May 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Local development of Follicular Helper T cells

UserNicolas Fazilleau, Purpan Hospital, Toulouse hosted by Students/Post docs.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 08 April 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The generation of antibody-based diagnostics and therapeutics for emerging infectious diseases


UserDr Paul MacAry, National University of Singapore hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 08 March 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Nuocytes: new insights in type-2 immunity

UserAndrew McKenzie, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 18 February 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Understanding natural acquired malaria immunity or what malaria understands about the immune system that immunologists don’t


UserSusan Pierce, Chief, Laboratory of Immunogenetics, NIAID, NIH, Rockville hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 09 February 2011, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Paternal MHC linked to uterine vascular remodelling and feto-placental growth

UserFrancesco Colucci, Centre for Trophoblast Research, University of Cambridge hosted by Linda Wicker.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 04 February 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Th2 response induction by dendritic cells: lessons from pathogens

UserDr Andrew S MacDonald, Institute of Immunology and Infection Research, University of Edinburgh hosted by Andrew McKenzie.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 21 January 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

A quantitative view of gene expression levels in T helper cells

UserDr Sarah Teichmann, MRC Programme Leader, Computational Genomics, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology hosted by Doug Fearon.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 14 January 2011, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

ZnT8- a major autoantigen in human type 1 diabetes

UserHoward Davidson, University of Colorado, Denver - Hosted by Paul Luzio.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 17 December 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Post-transcriptional control of inflammation

UserPaul Anderson, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Hosted by Chris Rudd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 10 December 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

B lymphocyte regulation of inflammation and autoimmunity

JOINT IMMUNOLOGY IN PATHOLOGY & IMMUNOLOGY & MEDICINE SEMINAR - Speak to Professor Tedder after his seminar in the Level 7 Lounge with a coffee and a cake.

UserProfessor Tom Tedder, Duke University, USA - Hosted by Chris Rudd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 08 December 2010, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T follicular helper cells in protective immunity and autoimmunity.


UserCarola Vinuesa, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 22 November 2010, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Macrophage lectins and the antifungal response

UserPhilip Taylor, Dept of Infection, Immunity and Biochemistry, Cardiff - Hosted by Edwin Chilvers.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 19 November 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Restriction of the felid retroviruses by BST2/tetherin

UserBrian Willett, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, Glasgow.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 12 November 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The critical functions of transcription factor Bcl11b in T cell development and maintenance of T cell identity

If you would like to talk with Pentao Liu before his seminar on Friday he will be available from 12.00 - 1.00 pm in the Level 7 Cafeteria. He will also be available after his seminar in the cafeteria from 2.00 - 3.00 pm

UserPentao Liu, Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton - Hosted by Francesco Colucci.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 15 October 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Multiple sclerosis: functional genetics

UserLars Fugger, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford - Hosted by John Todd.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 08 October 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Blimp1 and IRF4 are jointly required for the differentiation of effector regulatory T cells

UserAxel Kallies, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne - Hosted by Ken Smith.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 01 October 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Pediatric infectious diseases: inborn errors of immunity?

BRC, Infection and Immunity theme Speaker - Host Ken Smith

UserJean-Laurent Casanova, Rockefeller University.

HouseCRI Lecture Theatre, Cambridge Research Institute.

ClockWednesday 22 September 2010, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Tissue stem cell fate: lessons from lineage tracing and statistical physics

UserBen Simons, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge - Hosted by Patrick Sissons, Regius Professor of Physic.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 17 September 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Understanding T cell: B cell interactions through studies of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome

Please note this talk will be on a MONDAY. Hosted by Gillian Griffiths

UserPam Schwartzberg, National Human Genome Research Institute, Genetic Disease Research Branch, Bethesda.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 28 June 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Role of Cytomegalovirus miRNAs in Virus Pathogenicity

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DAY - Host - Martin Turner

UserLars Dolken, Max von Pettenkofer-Institute, Munich.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 21 June 2010, 14:00-15:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

T cell turnover in vivo using stable isotope labelling

Please note change of day - WEDNESDAY. Hosted by John Todd

UserKristin Ladell - National Institute of Health, Bethesday/University of Cardiff.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 16 June 2010, 12:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

High definition immune profiling of antigen-specific T cells: implications for disease pathogenesis and vaccine design

Please note change of day - WEDNESDAY. Hosted by John Todd

UserDavid Price National Institute of Health/Cardiff University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 16 June 2010, 12:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Imaging of T cell migration in slices of murine lymph nodes and human tumors

Host - Chris Rudd

UserEmmanuel Donnadieu - Department de Biologie, Cellulaire, Institut Cochin, Paris.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 28 May 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Host response to micobacterium abscessus

Host - Andres Floto

UserDr Jean-Louis Herrmann, Hopital Saint-Louis, Paris.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 18 May 2010, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

How do maternal NK cells affect reproductive success?

Host - Francesco Colucci

UserAshley Moffett, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 07 May 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The Role of P13P during initiation of autophagy

Hosted by Felix Randow

UserNicholas Ktistakis, Babraham Institute, Babraham.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 April 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Dengue virus, innate immunity and disease control

Host Leo James

UserMichael Jacobs - University College London, Infection and Immunity.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 April 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Making HIV epitopes - antigen processing and CTL responses

Hosted by Paul Lyons

UserAstrid Iversen - Weatherall Instittue of Molecular Medicine, Oxford.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 19 March 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Calcium-dependent T-cell activation

Host - Gillian Griffiths - Please note change of day and time.

UserMarkus Hoth, University of Saarland, Germany.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 16 March 2010, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Investigating the lymphoid stress-surveillance response

Host - Douglas Fearon

UserAdrian Hayday - Division of Immunology, Infection & Inflammatory Diseases, Kings College, London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 12 March 2010, 12:30-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Stem cells and cardiovascular repair

Hosted by Martin Bennett as part of the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Lecture Series

UserCharles E Murry.

HouseCRUK Cambridge Research Institute
Li Ka Shing Centre.

ClockThursday 11 March 2010, 17:00-18:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Human cytomegalovirus and its obsession with Natural Killer cells

Host - John Trowsdale

UserGavin Wilkinson, Medical Microbiology, University of Cardiff.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 05 March 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunotherapy of established disease caused by high risk Human Papilloma Virus

Host - Douglas Fearon

UserCornelis Melief, Leiden University Medical Center, Dept. Immunohematology and Bloodtransfusion.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 26 February 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Generation of stable monoclonal antibody-producing human memory B cells by genetic programming

Host - Students. Please note change of day and time - Monday at 11.30

UserHergen Spits - Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 22 February 2010, 11:30-12:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

E4bp4 and NK cells

Host - Andrew McKenzie

UserHugh Brady, Division of Cell and Molecular Biology, Imperial College.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 19 February 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

MicroRNA regulation in B cell fate

Host - Michael Neuberger

UserAlmudena Ramiro - CNIIO Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 05 February 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The Wellcome Trust Thailand Major Overseas Programme - current research and future challanges

Hosted by Patrick Sisssons. Please note change of day and time

UserNick Day, Professor of Tropical Medicine, Director of the Mahidol Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Thairland.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 04 February 2010, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Individual and Allele specific chromatin: discovery and consequences

Hosted by John Todd.

UserEwan Birney - European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 29 January 2010, 15:00-16:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Asymmetric Immune control by Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

Hosted by The Cambridge Immunology Post-doc Society

UserAdrian Liston - Autoimmune Genetics Laboratory VIB/K.U. Leuven, Belgium.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 22 January 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

How can the immune system be regulated?

Host - Gillian Griffiths. Please note change of day and time TUESDAY 12.30

UserHerman Waldmann, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 19 January 2010, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Probing the Unfolded Protein Response with small molecules

Host - Paul Lehner

UserDavid Ron - Institute of Metabolic Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 15 January 2010, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Intestinal Inflammation

Host Ken Smith - Please note change of day and time - TUESDAY 4pm. Part of the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Lecture Series 2010

UserArthur Kaser - Innsbruck Medical University.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 12 January 2010, 16:00-17:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Innate regulation of dendritic cell function

Host - John Todd

UserCaetano Reis e Sousa, Cancer Research UK, Univeristy College, London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 04 December 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Neutrophil extracellular traps

Host - Felix Randow

UserArturo Zychlinsky, MPI for Infection biology, Berlin.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 13 November 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

PI3K in lymphocyte development and activation

Host Gillian Griffiths

UserKlaus Okkenhaug, Babraham Institute, Babraham, Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 23 October 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Prospects for gene therapy for primary immunodeficiency

Host - Dinakantha Kumararatne

UserAdrian Thrasher, UCL, Institute of Child Health, London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 16 October 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunology of the thymus: Cellular and molecular aspects

EXTRA TALK ON THURSDAY, 15th Oct. at 14.30hrs - Host Ken Smith

UserGeorg Holländer, Pediatric Immunology, Center for Biomedicine and The University Children's Hospital of Basel.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 15 October 2009, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Integrins and immune function

Host - Chris Rudd

UserNancy Hogg, Cancer Research UK, Lincoln's Inn Fields Laboratories, London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 October 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

HIF1 versus HIF2: how macrophages use hypoxic response to regulate nitric oxide

Note different time and day - Host Edwin Chilvers

UserRandy Johnson - Division of Biological Sciences, at UCSD.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockTuesday 29 September 2009, 13:15-14:15

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Can lamprey VLR antibodies be biomedically useful?

Host - Ken Smith

UserMax Cooper - Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 25 September 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

NK Cells in reproduction, transplantation and cancer

Extra Talk. Host - Gordon Smith

UserFrancesco Colucci - Lymphocyte Signalling and Development, The Babraham Institute, plus Centre for Trophoblast Research, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 31 July 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

From molecules to maladies: TNF superfamily cytokines in autoimmune and inflammatory disease

EXTRA TALK - Host Ken Smith

UserRichard Siegel, Senior Investigator and Chief, Immunoregulation Section Autoimmunity Branch, NIAMS National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD US.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 24 July 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Functional genetics of PTPN22, a shared autoimmunity gene

host Linda Wicker EXTRA TALK ON MONDAY

UserNunzio Bottini, Associate Member, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, Division of Cell Biology, La Jolla, CA.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockMonday 08 June 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Clues to autoimmunising mechanisms in patients with myasthenia gravis or AIRE mutations

Host - Linda Wicker

UserNick Willcox, Neuroscience, Weatherall Inst. for Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 29 May 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

The biology of 'atypical' chemokine receptors

Host - Alex Betz

UserRob Nibbs, Division of Immunology, Infection and Inflammation, Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 15 May 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Roles of PD-1 and PD-L1 in regulating T cell activation and tolerance

This is an extra NIT seminar being held on a Wednesday at 12.30pm

UserArlene Sharpe, Dept of Pathology, Harvard Medical School.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 25 March 2009, 12:30-13:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series


This talk has been cancelled

UserDuncan Conrad.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 20 February 2009, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cell death inhibitors: from Baculovirus to Bedside

Please note change of day - WEDNESDAY and time 12.00 noon

UserDavid Vaux, Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockWednesday 05 November 2008, 12:00-13:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Immunity to self co-generates regulatory T cells

Please note change of day - THURSDAY

UserLen Harrison, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 30 October 2008, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Matching Lymphocyte Metabolism and Migration

UserDoreen Cantrell, Cell Biology and Immunology, University of Dundee.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 24 October 2008, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Rational vaccine design – dreams, genes and reality

Please note this is an extra seminar on THURSDAY AT 14.30HRS

UserAlex von Gabain, Intercell AG, Vienna.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockThursday 16 October 2008, 14:30-15:30

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Cell-biology of antigen cross-presentation

UserChristian Kurts, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 19 September 2008, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Microarrays to identify human Th1 and Th2-specific effector molecules

UserDavid Cousins, MRC/Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma, King's College London.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 20 June 2008, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Pathophysiology of Autoimmune Disease

UserDavid Hafler, Centre for Neurologic Diseases, Harvard medical School, Boston, USA.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 30 May 2008, 13:00-14:00

Cambridge Immunology Network Seminar Series

Give us the tools, and we will finish the job

UserStephen Sawcer, Dept of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseSackler Lecture Theatre (Level 7), Cambridge Institute for Medical Research.

ClockFriday 09 May 2008, 13:00-14:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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