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MMP public and schools' events

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Public events organised by the MMP (, a family of award-winning maths education and outreach programmes in the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cambridge.

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Julia Hawkins; mmp; js2560. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 30 talks in the archive.

'Maths vs Disease'

UserDr Julia Gog.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockSaturday 25 March 2017, 14:00-15:00

Hands-On Maths Fair

UserCambridge Science Festival.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockSaturday 19 March 2016, 11:30-16:00

Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine

UserJames Grime.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences.

ClockWednesday 23 July 2014, 18:00-19:00

Cambridge Maths Circle

UserVolunteer staff and students, Faculty of Mathematics.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge CB3 0WA.

ClockSaturday 16 November 2013, 10:00-12:30

Mathemagic with a Deck of Cards

UserProfessor Colm Mulcahy, Spelman College, Atlanta.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge CB3 0WA.

ClockThursday 18 July 2013, 17:30-18:30

Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine

UserDr James Grime, Millennium Mathematics Project, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge CB3 0WA.

ClockWednesday 26 June 2013, 10:30-11:30

Mathematics and Smallpox

Cambridge Science Festival free public talk

UserProfessor Tom Körner, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge CB3 0WA.

ClockSaturday 23 March 2013, 14:00-15:00

'Travelling Salesman' - film screening

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge CB3 0WA.

ClockThursday 14 March 2013, 18:30-20:00

'Travelling Salesman' - first UK screening

UserSpeaker to be confirmed.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 20 November 2012, 18:30-20:45

Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine

Please note - pre-booking is not required for this lecture, but please arrive on time for the start of the talk.

UserDr James Grime - University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 12 June 2012, 17:30-18:30

How Fast Can Usain Bolt Run?

UserProfessor John D Barrow FRS.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockSaturday 24 March 2012, 12:30-13:30

A Mathematical Look at the Olympics

UserProfessor John D Barrow (University of Cambridge).

HouseMill Lane Lecture Rooms.

ClockMonday 12 March 2012, 18:00-19:00

Maths in the City

General public, Age range 15+ Admission to the lecture is free but pre-booking is essential, please email

UserRachel Thomas, University of Cambridge.


ClockTuesday 31 January 2012, 17:30-18:30

Cambridge Maths Circle

UserStaff and students, Cambridge Mathematics Faculty.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockSaturday 29 January 2011, 10:00-12:30

Number Play

Level Suggested: Primary - 9 - 11, general public. Admission to the lecture is free but pre-booking is essential. Please email

UserLiz Woodham - NRICH, University of Cambridge.


ClockMonday 06 December 2010, 11:00-12:00

Hands-on Cambridge Maths Circle workshop: Algorithms

UserProfessor Tom Körner, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.


ClockSaturday 13 November 2010, 10:15-11:15

Cambridge Maths Circle

UserStaff and students, Cambridge Mathematics Faculty.


ClockSaturday 13 November 2010, 10:00-12:30

Global Warming and the Melting of the Arctic Ice

Admission to the lecture is free and no ticket required – for more information please contact Kerstin Enright, Millennium Mathematics Project, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA (01223 766839) or email: mmptalks@hermes

UserProfessor Peter Wadhams, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 24 February 2010, 17:00-18:00

Through the Looking Glass ....again and again!

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. For tickets please e-mail Kerstin Enright at or call 01223 766839, Age level: 11+, general public

UserDr Sara Santos, Royal Institution.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 11 November 2009, 14:00-15:00

What Are The Odds?

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. For tickets please e-mail Kerstin Enright at or call 01223 766839, Level: age range 14 - 16, KS3-5

UserNadia Baker, Millennium Mathematics Project, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 19 October 2009, 14:00-15:00


Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website

UserDr James Grime, Millennium Mathematics Project, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 23 June 2009, 11:00-12:00

Magic Squares

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website

UserDr Jenny Gage, Millennium Mathematics Project, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 21 May 2009, 11:00-12:00

Magic Squares

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website

UserDr Jenny Gage, Millennium Mathematics Project, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockFriday 27 March 2009, 11:00-12:00

The subtle science of uncertainty

UserProfessor David Spiegelhalter, DPMMS.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockSaturday 21 March 2009, 14:00-15:00

The Four Colour Theorem

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website

UserProfessor Imre Leader.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 03 March 2009, 17:00-18:00

The Mathematics of Evolutionary Biology

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website

UserProfessor Ray Goldstein, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 25 February 2009, 17:00-18:00

The Maths of Diamonds, Race Fixing, Art Theft, and Professor Moriarty

Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website

UserProfessor John D. Barrow, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockThursday 12 February 2009, 17:00-18:00

Particle Hunting at CERN

Open to the general public - suggested age range 16+

UserDr Ben Allanach DAMTP, University of Cambridge.

HouseCentre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 04 November 2008, 17:00-18:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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