University of Cambridge > > Horizon: Energy "What does the future hold?"

Horizon: Energy "What does the future hold?"

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Energy is essential to every aspect of our economic and social well-being. Today, the world faces two big challenges: climate change and the security of energy supplies. Climate change is now a reality – 19 of the 20 hottest years on record have occurred since 1980 while regional changes in climate have already affected some physical and biological systems. ‘Clean’ energy forms are essential if we are to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of climate change and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. The UK Government estimates that by 2020, three quarters of the UK primary energy needs will be imported but since the largest oil and gas reserves are situated in politically or economically insecure regions, it is essential we develop new forms of energy and the innovative technologies needed to support them. The HORIZON Seminar: ‘Energy: What does the future hold?’ will address these issues and showcase the latest research and scientific advances in energy technology and policy that will provide solutions to the energy challenges. Leading experts from a range of disciplines will describe their ground-breaking research in energy efficiency, energy security, carbon capture and storage, and the generation of clean forms of energy.

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